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297359.2 in reply to 297359.1
Date: 12/17/2018 2:37:23 AM
Hessisch Dynamite
Overall Posts Rated:
TV Station Lvl 2, wins in cup an TV game, merchandise income -9 k...

From: boule

This Post:
297359.3 in reply to 297359.2
Date: 12/19/2018 2:42:00 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
LvL3 with a boycott...i haven't earned a lot more.

From: boule

This Post:
297359.5 in reply to 297359.4
Date: 12/25/2018 1:52:52 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
With my Utopioan team, and with a 4Million arena :
24/09/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 66 175
01/10/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 65 956
08/10/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 64 583
15/10/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 64 036
22/10/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 64 403
30/10/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 68 067
05/11/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 63 949
12/11/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 66 455
19/11/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 64 372
26/11/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 63 812
03/12/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 64 716
10/12/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 65 304
+TV Radio and the Merchandise Store :
17/12/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 85 208
24/12/2018 Recettes hebdomadaires des produits dérivés $ 88 001

And for the ticket sell, i'm still on Supporter Boycott and gain 3% each week just due to the fact that i'm on a winning streak. I do not see anything good from the TV&Radio.

Last edited by boule at 12/25/2018 1:53:35 PM

From: boule

This Post:
297359.7 in reply to 297359.6
Date: 12/26/2018 2:32:58 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
Sorry i missed that. All Max lvl3.

And to be more in tune with the subject, my attendance revenue :

08/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kobalt Blues $ 173 675 with a Boycott of -9%
TV and radio :
1W 1L
18/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Skinny Dudes II $ 178 536 with a Boycott of -6%
1W 1L
25/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kuźnia Basketu Czarno Czarni $ 185 665 with a Boycott of -3%

Literraly the TV and Radio may work only on lower win or defaeat streak effects. For the season ticket sales boost, I forgot to note the sales of this year after demotion, and I have exactly the amount i had last season (Just promoted in D2, so it appears to be an effective bonus).
Once i said that, I doubt that the effect is effective if you look at ROI. A study could be done with more data on smoothing revenues, and it might be more explicit.

From: boule

This Post:
297359.9 in reply to 297359.8
Date: 1/5/2019 5:30:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
little update

01/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Espantajáparos $ 166 521
purchase of TV& radio
08/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kobalt Blues $ 173 675
with boycott 9%
18/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Skinny Dudes II $ 178 536
with boycott 6%
25/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kuźnia Basketu Czarno Czarni $ 185 665
with boycott3%
01/01/2019 Match de Championnat contre BC BLACK KWIDZYN $ 199 819
with no boycott and 2W
05/01/2019 Match de Championnat contre KK Falcons II $ 196 923
after loosing previous game.

There is a jump from $ 185 665 to $ 199 819 which is not explained only by a vanishing boycott.

Last edited by boule at 1/5/2019 5:31:57 AM

This Post:
297359.11 in reply to 297359.10
Date: 2/3/2019 1:15:13 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
So until now can someone share their impression on TV& Radio average increase of income?
for merchandising it's estimated in a net +5k week , no matter the level we buy (at least that's the impression we got, probably something is missing as it would not make sense lv 1 net worth is the same of lv 3)

for tv& radio do you expect the same increase of income so +5k for lv or nothing at all?