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2skill point decrease in one week?

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Date: 12/13/2024 8:19:53 AM
76ers Wrocław
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Maurycy Cepok ↓dropped↓ in Outside Def. from prodigious(16) to wondrous(14) .

how is this even possible ? xd

Last edited by LordViader at 12/13/2024 8:24:13 AM

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325681.2 in reply to 325681.1
Date: 12/13/2024 8:51:55 AM
Súria Lakers
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Súria Lakers II
Because once a player reach certain age, they have a X% (of currently level) drop in a skill. This happens twice per player, and sometimes it can happen in the same ability.

In fact those players get their abilities dropped every week, but we only notice once they reach a previous level.

I guessed you have bad luck, but in a more positive perspective, you could have a 3/4 skill level drop in a single week.

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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325681.3 in reply to 325681.2
Date: 12/13/2024 1:21:31 PM
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RK järelkasv
I have had 4 drops in 2 weeks in same skill 18->14. If I remember right, it was outside defence. Never popped like that tho

Rahvuskoondise juhendaja H65-H68
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325681.4 in reply to 325681.2
Date: 12/14/2024 1:40:43 AM
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Actually a great training facility
They always drop 10%, confirmed by Justin. So in theory you could drop 5 or more levels of the same skill if let's say it's 28.

28 - 10% = 25.2
25.2 -10% = 22.7

Also that being said, skills over 16 will almost always get a double drop as they drop 1.6

From: Otis

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325681.5 in reply to 325681.3
Date: 12/14/2024 2:49:28 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
I ve.witnessed a drop from 21 to 17 in inside shot in our community and it was insane. Player purchesed 3 weeks earlier. Basically junk.

From: Wagner

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325681.6 in reply to 325681.4
Date: 12/14/2024 4:34:30 AM
Wagner College
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They always drop 10%, confirmed by Justin. So in theory you could drop 5 or more levels of the same skill if let's say it's 28.

28 - 10% = 25.2
25.2 -10% = 22.7

Also that being said, skills over 16 will almost always get a double drop as they drop 1.6

In my opinion, this is one of the irritatingly unrealistic things in BB.
If one season -(12 weeks?) tries to mimic one season in "real life" then 1 week in BB would be approximately 1 month in real life.
Do players´ skills really decline that fast in real life? Well, every player is an isolated case of course, but in general I don't think so, not even close in most cases. Personally I don't play on the level where I'd have players with skill levels, say 25 or 28, but it's even more radical (in percentages) when you consider a double drop (and possibly drops two weeks in a row as many have experienced!) from skill level 14 to 12 for instance. These kind of drops have of course been a regular occurrence in my BB history.

Also, while not being a double drop, my 36yo. player Sadinmaa just experienced single drops in BOTH IS and JR which again I find more or less unrealistic, and as a homegrown team who isn't "able" to buy himself out of skill decline trouble, also quite irritating. (I know and realize these haven't necessarily been drops of 1.0 skill levels on both skills, but from there I'll be able to lead the conversation to another point - I'd prefer having more accurate information about skill levels, but then again I don't see that being changed in BB any time soon).

Just as manager sõber mentioned, you don't see (or if you do, at least I've never seen someone writing about that) skill pops happening at the same pace, say from 14 to 18 in two weeks in one skill - which I understand and I think it´s actually a good thing, but I'm just saying skills probably shouldn't decline that fast especially when we reach these more mediocre skill levels (matter of taste, but maybe one could say 11-13?) and are not talking about extremely high ones such as 25-28.

From: Otis

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325681.7 in reply to 325681.6
Date: 12/14/2024 4:41:48 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
i forgot to mention that this 4 level drop that was in the same week happened at the age of 34. freaky stuff.
the only realistic comparison would be an injury.

if thae game truly flirts with the ideea of realism, I hope that they skip the part where a 35-year old who is injured for 2 3 weeks, looses the skill in that timeframe due to the injury. like kobe or derrick rose.
the only reason I would not implement such a thing is that it would disturb the transfermarket very much and the games serves its own logic, beyond realworld

among the elements i appreciate most of the game developers is the understanding of the free market concepts, having a supervisory authority and intervention that played a role in the game evolving. younger users cannot comprehend that some junk players would have sold 40 years ago for 15 mil that today would be 1mil. or that some lucky bastards kept money in the account, returned after a 3 seaosns and found their reserves value more overnight.

anyway, skill decrease is fine as is and i am happy of the lebron effect, for what is worth.

From: Wagner

To: Otis
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325681.8 in reply to 325681.7
Date: 12/14/2024 4:53:04 AM
Wagner College
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Your reply would deserve a more thorough reply, which I'll likely do when I have more time, but even though it's slightly off topic, answering to part of your message I think injuries should have more realistic sides as well.
Such as being potentially longer or even career ending in worst cases, and certain injuries in the past making it more probable to suffer from certain (somehow related injuries) later in career, which would be of course openly explained to managers before such change would take place, etc.

From: Otis
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325681.9 in reply to 325681.8
Date: 12/14/2024 4:59:36 AM
The Defenders
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The D-fenders
just to focus on that part.
injuries are more and more often and longer. this I appreciate. what is the point of having level 7 doctors and medical facilities if no one is using them.

in practical terms the phoenix suns medical staff was considered a mega asset during the steve nash years, having rehabilitated a player which was injury prone playing into his late 30's along with the resurgence of grant hill, whom he personally attributed this to the PHX staff.

I ve lost a title because of an injury during the PO and the player barely recovered for the last game and I ve lost, despite being overwhelming favourit. it hurts alot to be on the receiving end of the realistic spiel, and as much as it pains me to admit it, i do enjoy thre is some reality and luck into this.

the toronto raptors won one of the more unlikely championships ever, and ultimately, while kawahi leonard was a god, the fact the warriors lost klay and KD mattered alot, the same way kyrie's injury mattered in the first warriors win.

for the players who are for example salary of 70k, but lose skills to the point where salary estimate is 35, if they receive a 2weeks injury or more it is indeed a career ender.

yet of not, in the NBA you have injury exemptions if the injuries are long, to not pay salary or to replace it, but there you have salary cap and other stuff. anyway

enjoy your weekend

This Post:
325681.11 in reply to 325681.10
Date: 12/14/2024 11:00:31 AM
Wagner College
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In my opinion, this is one of the irritatingly unrealistic things in BB.

Is there a cap in real life re: the length of recovery for injuries?

Did you meant that I would've said "In my opinion, this is one of the irritatingly unrealistic things in BB." regarding injury lengths? In that message I was only writing about skill drops and pops.
However, as you asked, there naturally isn't cap in length of injuries in real life and therefore it is of course also unrealistic (yet not one of the most unrealistic things in BB in my opinion) to not have lengthier injuries in the game.