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2skill point decrease in one week?

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325681.11 in reply to 325681.10
Date: 12/14/2024 11:00:31 AM
Wagner College
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In my opinion, this is one of the irritatingly unrealistic things in BB.

Is there a cap in real life re: the length of recovery for injuries?

Did you meant that I would've said "In my opinion, this is one of the irritatingly unrealistic things in BB." regarding injury lengths? In that message I was only writing about skill drops and pops.
However, as you asked, there naturally isn't cap in length of injuries in real life and therefore it is of course also unrealistic (yet not one of the most unrealistic things in BB in my opinion) to not have lengthier injuries in the game.

From: Wagner

To: Otis
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325681.12 in reply to 325681.7
Date: 12/14/2024 11:21:10 AM
Wagner College
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i forgot to mention that this 4 level drop that was in the same week happened at the age of 34. freaky stuff.
the only realistic comparison would be an injury.

if thae game truly flirts with the ideea of realism, I hope that they skip the part where a 35-year old who is injured for 2 3 weeks, looses the skill in that timeframe due to the injury. like kobe or derrick rose.
the only reason I would not implement such a thing is that it would disturb the transfermarket very much and the games serves its own logic, beyond realworld.

4 levels in 1 week is absolutely ridiculous. I don't see too many questioning that.

On the other hand, if we're looking for realism, I think injuries can in real world also be detrimental in terms of being able to continue on the top level, so in that sense dropping skills while injured (in long term) would make sense. Is that realistic? I think so. Is it nice? Not so much. Does everything need to be nice in order to be able to enjoy BB? Vice versa actually, if you ask me.
The unrealistic parts of the game I have less tolerance for, but I'd take it calmly (enough) if my best player would have to end his career due to career ending injury, or a trainee of mine would suffer from a whole season injury which would shorten his active training period (by one season).

among the elements i appreciate most of the game developers is the understanding of the free market concepts, having a supervisory authority and intervention that played a role in the game evolving. younger users cannot comprehend that some junk players would have sold 40 years ago for 15 mil that today would be 1mil. or that some lucky bastards kept money in the account, returned after a 3 seaosns and found their reserves value more overnight.

anyway, skill decrease is fine as is and i am happy of the lebron effect, for what is worth.

Supervising in some part seems to be almost mandatory. I mean I've seen dozens of attempts to make easy money by selling on too high prices etc. (On the other hand, I don't know if the maximum price-logic is completely fairly determined, but that's another question). And this "penalty" for selling many players within a relatively short timeline has been implemented, AFAIK because of abuse of transfer market so to speak.
But some tweaks should be made to that system too, for example that selling the players that you have owned from the start/drafted yourself wouldn´t cause you penalty in the future for other player sales. (That would also add lower skill level players to the transfer list to some degree, as they'd avoid direct and permanent exit from the game for good after being fired).

From: Wagner

To: Otis
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325681.13 in reply to 325681.9
Date: 12/14/2024 11:44:30 AM
Wagner College
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just to focus on that part.
injuries are more and more often and longer. this I appreciate. what is the point of having level 7 doctors and medical facilities if no one is using them.

in practical terms the phoenix suns medical staff was considered a mega asset during the steve nash years, having rehabilitated a player which was injury prone playing into his late 30's along with the resurgence of grant hill, whom he personally attributed this to the PHX staff.

I ve lost a title because of an injury during the PO and the player barely recovered for the last game and I ve lost, despite being overwhelming favourit. it hurts alot to be on the receiving end of the realistic spiel, and as much as it pains me to admit it, i do enjoy thre is some reality and luck into this.

Good point. There needs to be some point of having hired quality doctors (and facilities, to some extent).

You clearly are much more knowledgeable about NBA than me so I can't comment on that part fully.
I'm on the same page with that - if luck/chance is completely taken out of equation, we'll have somewhat boring game on our hands with no surprises. However, sometimes it'd be nice to be able to analyze in more trustworthy manner if something was caused by random occurrance/bad luck, or by your own bad (tactical etc.) decision. Still, with this experience of BB, I can't always tell that difference in some matches which was actually the case. But I want to try to see it as my own responsibility, as I probably just haven't been reading enough forums to learn about the game. Which on the other hand leads us to a question, should the official game manual be more comprehensive in order to make it more approachable to new players? What do you guys think about that? Again, off topic - sorry ;)

for the players who are for example salary of 70k, but lose skills to the point where salary estimate is 35, if they receive a 2weeks injury or more it is indeed a career ender.

yet of not, in the NBA you have injury exemptions if the injuries are long, to not pay salary or to replace it, but there you have salary cap and other stuff. anyway

enjoy your weekend

Totally matter of taste I understand, but in my view such injury wouldn't be career ending one at all. Very unfortunate and somewhat critical, but during those 2 weeks they'd hardly get more than 2-3 skill drops on average (and it could be also less, especially if you have a coach with special ability?). From 70K to 35K there would've already been massive skill drops, so in a way it seems to me as though in this example his career would've already been over, whether or not he'd face 2 weeks injury (and possible 2-3 skill drops, which wouldn't lower his salary massively).

But that's very good point that you made about NBA injury exemptions - maybe they could consider having that (not having to pay salary, especially if you have bought an insurance?) as part of BB should they implement long injuries to the game in the future.

This Post:
325681.16 in reply to 325681.15
Date: 12/18/2024 6:51:25 AM
Wagner College
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The point I was hinting at was that realism may sound good on paper, but in certain aspect and at certain level of implementation detail, it would totally wreck the game. Imagine a Derrick Rose scenario, also affecting an NT, or even worse, a Brandon Roy. Hell, one manager could get a Greg Oden and Brandon Roy double whammy*, bet they would remain in the game. People would be ready to storm the BBs castle, pitchforks and all.

Implementing a realistic injury mechanism would probably drive many, many users away from the game, and as you note yourself, it is closely linked to this issue of skill drops.

Things are almost never simply black or white, one loves something that one hates (and everything in between)... Almost any change that BB would and will make in the future (in any major aspect of the game) will drive some users away, and attract others.

How would you see implementing that wrecking the game so radically? Doesn't injuries affect the national teams in real life too, how is that different in BB? To me that change doesn't just sound good on paper, but in practice as well.
Skill drops during being injured wouldn't be a major factor in my opinion (in terms of driving people away from BB/"storming the castle"), and AFAIK I was trying to be on the more realistic side as I don't see how skill drops wouldn't happen on older players during long injuries if they can happen anyway even if they would receive full weekly training and/or playing minutes?

As far as using NBA players as an example go, as I mentioned in some previous post, I have almost no expertise/knowledge especially on more recent NBA players so it's probably not a good idea for me to take part on that conversation.

It would simply be disingenuous to advocate for "more realistic" skill drops while not advocating for "more realistic" injuries. The problem with the latter is so huge that this is basically a non-issue. It isn't going to happen; it also shouldn't, and probably it wouldn't be feasible unless it was a complete overhaul of the game.

English isn't my first language so I'm not sure if I understood everything correctly (as you meant them).

But as far as I'm concerned, I AM advocating for BOTH of them.

I don't see how that would require "a complete overhaul of the game" if length of the injuries and/or their probabilities and/or recurrency would be changed within the game code.

I don't know if you have some inside information about it as you already mentioned it isn't going to happen, I have never read an official or forum post about it. I do not expect it to happen though.

Complaining about skill drops when you don't have recurrent and mutually compounding injuries is...just petty, to be honest.

Well, you may take it as you want, petty or not petty. That's your decision and opinion. Which, just as my opinions, aren't going to mean or change much in the big picture to be honest.