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Suggestions > Raise the value of nutritionist

Raise the value of nutritionist

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From: deanswer

This Post:
326482.2 in reply to 326482.1
Date: 2/9/2025 10:40:45 AM
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Second Team:
Nutritionist has no value, except if max level and 15k salary, rest is trash. The market is full of 20k level 6 nutritionists cos noone is going to pay 20k weekly extra for what we get. Lower levels are out of picture

totally agree.
To give him a sense, stamina should increase with superior level

S52 CUP WINNER S66 BBM11 winner "non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco"
This Post:
326482.3 in reply to 326482.2
Date: 2/9/2025 12:32:04 PM
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Second Team:
XBS Somorja
I agree with change but not with this one.
Stamina increase from superior would mean, teams with 5 stacked starters who play every match could train form and have stamina from 7 nutritionist.

It's not so easy to balance... 7 nutritionist gives now 1-2 pops in season. Which is totally fine in my opinion. I'd say keep that, 6 nutritionist 95% decrease in losing stamina and superior 75%

Or combine it with now useless rehab building in arena somehow.

This Post:
326482.4 in reply to 326482.3
Date: 2/9/2025 1:04:52 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I agree with change but not with this one.
Stamina increase from superior would mean, teams with 5 stacked starters who play every match could train form and have stamina from 7 nutritionist.

It's not so easy to balance... 7 nutritionist gives now 1-2 pops in season. Which is totally fine in my opinion. I'd say keep that, 6 nutritionist 95% decrease in losing stamina and superior 75%

Or combine it with now useless rehab building in arena somehow.

I had lvl 7 for 2 season and only few players had a pop.
It is absolutely not 1-2 pop a season. This wld be ok for me
I read something like a pop every 4 season.

S52 CUP WINNER S66 BBM11 winner "non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco"
This Post:
326482.7 in reply to 326482.6
Date: 2/14/2025 11:39:47 AM
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Second Team:
RK järelkasv
I think the idea of bringing nutritionist to staff was good, but as earlier deanswer suggested stamina should increase with superior(5) level, starting +0,1. It will make u pay another 15-20k weekly to get 1-2 Stamina pops per season depending what level guy you have. That's not cheap, but then it has value

Last edited by sõber at 2/14/2025 11:41:53 AM

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