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From: boule

This Post:
297359.7 in reply to 297359.6
Date: 12/26/2018 2:32:58 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
Sorry i missed that. All Max lvl3.

And to be more in tune with the subject, my attendance revenue :

08/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kobalt Blues $ 173 675 with a Boycott of -9%
TV and radio :
1W 1L
18/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Skinny Dudes II $ 178 536 with a Boycott of -6%
1W 1L
25/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kuźnia Basketu Czarno Czarni $ 185 665 with a Boycott of -3%

Literraly the TV and Radio may work only on lower win or defaeat streak effects. For the season ticket sales boost, I forgot to note the sales of this year after demotion, and I have exactly the amount i had last season (Just promoted in D2, so it appears to be an effective bonus).
Once i said that, I doubt that the effect is effective if you look at ROI. A study could be done with more data on smoothing revenues, and it might be more explicit.

From: boule

This Post:
297359.9 in reply to 297359.8
Date: 1/5/2019 5:30:53 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Les Boulettes Utopiennes
little update

01/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Espantajáparos $ 166 521
purchase of TV& radio
08/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kobalt Blues $ 173 675
with boycott 9%
18/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Skinny Dudes II $ 178 536
with boycott 6%
25/12/2018 Match de Championnat contre Kuźnia Basketu Czarno Czarni $ 185 665
with boycott3%
01/01/2019 Match de Championnat contre BC BLACK KWIDZYN $ 199 819
with no boycott and 2W
05/01/2019 Match de Championnat contre KK Falcons II $ 196 923
after loosing previous game.

There is a jump from $ 185 665 to $ 199 819 which is not explained only by a vanishing boycott.

Last edited by boule at 1/5/2019 5:31:57 AM

This Post:
297359.11 in reply to 297359.10
Date: 2/3/2019 1:15:13 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
So until now can someone share their impression on TV& Radio average increase of income?
for merchandising it's estimated in a net +5k week , no matter the level we buy (at least that's the impression we got, probably something is missing as it would not make sense lv 1 net worth is the same of lv 3)

for tv& radio do you expect the same increase of income so +5k for lv or nothing at all?

This Post:
297359.13 in reply to 297359.12
Date: 2/5/2019 2:37:09 AM
Dynamo J. Hradec
První liga
Overall Posts Rated:

From: JoviLux
This Post:
297359.14 in reply to 297359.1
Date: 2/10/2019 8:34:53 AM
The Brick Squad
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Cement Factory
14/01/2019 Weekly TV contract $ 221 563
21/01/2019 Weekly TV contract $ 221 563
28/01/2019 Weekly TV contract $ 221 563
TV and Radio Station level 1, Merchandise store level 1 built 2 days before the next financial update.
04/02/2019 Weekly TV contract $ 229 024

21/01/2019 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 156 598
28/01/2019 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 145 389
04/02/2019 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 158 473

Its too soon to make concise conclusions but it seems that TV and Radio Station do have a positive contribution on the TV contract, as it typically remains static throughout a season.

On the other hand, my merchandise has been up and down in the last few months. I attribute this to my inconsistency in reaching winning streaks as well as being the inferior team most of the time. I guess that the Merchandise store, coupled with being a dominant team/ the clear favorite of any given league has the biggest margin of profit in that case.

On the other hand, I have a lvl 4 PR manager.... I usually never bother with this because, in my experience, his contributions are just too marginal to be worth the costs. But it would be interesting to see a relationship between varying levels of PR-managers and the levels of arena design:

-Have a strong PR manager but weak/low TV/merchandise stores
-Have a lvl1-2 PR manager but fully built level 3 buildings
-5mil arena and lvl 1 manager
- 5 mil arena and lvl 7 manager
-no arena bonus but lvl 7 manager
-no arena and poor pr manager

I think BB Marin stated that the extra buildings are luxuries, as well as the additional staff members. Given that the income difference between a D.1 team and a D.2 is already significant, I think that these buildings are only worth it if
a.) You re in D1 b.) You re not in a threat to re-elegate c.) You seem to be a Top 4 team in the entire league.

Those are my 2 cents... I will keep updating my scores though

From: JoviLux

This Post:
297359.16 in reply to 297359.15
Date: 2/10/2019 10:14:07 AM
The Brick Squad
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Cement Factory
How that I think of it... I know that the TV contract is recalculated every season depending on the salaries of the league you re in... So now the question is whether this recaculation happened on the 28th of January or the 4th of February....
Because if the 28th was still part of season 44, then my net gain on the TV contract on the 04.02.19 is NOT due to the expansion of the TV station lol
