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Arena Upgrades, Structures, and Staff Info (s46)

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From: 0verW1ng

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299939.68 in reply to 299939.67
Date: 2/6/2024 9:19:37 AM
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Second Team:
Actually a great training facility
I had TV station level 3 for like 15 seasons now, just out of curiosity. I can firmly say it helps if you're losing a bit. The attendance doesn't drop as sharply as without one, and max attendance is easier to achieve, helps with stability

From: Caveman
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299939.70 in reply to 299939.69
Date: 3/17/2024 4:33:46 AM
Mağara Adamları BK
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Hi everyone!

Just curious about which arena, structures and staff a high level and competeting team should have in your opinion assuming we are going at it for the long term?

This Post:
299939.72 in reply to 299939.71
Date: 3/18/2024 4:23:16 PM
Mağara Adamları BK
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If you want the best then 4m arena design and level 3 merchandise shop. These give you the most income.

I think that everyone has their own preference with staff. I use at least lvl 4 doctor with massage, cheapest PR-manager with speciality and lvl 6 or 7 psychologist.

Thank you for your answer! That's pretty much what I thought as well.

What about the TV Station? Are there any concrete data regarding it?

And how much do you think does low level staff with specialties affect the outcome?

This Post:
299939.74 in reply to 299939.73
Date: 3/19/2024 3:00:36 PM
Mağara Adamları BK
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Thank you very much once again for the very detailed answer, definetely will make sure to utilize some of these and see the results :)

From: Ators
This Post:
299939.75 in reply to 299939.74
Date: 3/19/2024 6:56:09 PM
Golden Gladiators
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Second Team:
Gladiators Junior
Is the 4 million dollar or 2 million dollar arena worth it?

From: Azariah

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299939.76 in reply to 299939.75
Date: 3/19/2024 7:32:18 PM
Mos Eisley Imperials
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They both increase your weekly merchandise income (and thus luxury tax limit), and both eventually pay for themselves.

In general, the 2 million dollar arena is considered not optimal because by the time it surpasses the 1 million dollar arena in lifetime net profit, the 4 million dollar arena will become the top lifetime net profit after 1 more week. So the general wisdom is either go with the 1 million dollar arena (which pays for itself in 6 seasons), or go with the 4 million dollar arena if you want to min/max.

From: Ators

This Post:
299939.77 in reply to 299939.76
Date: 3/19/2024 9:08:54 PM
Golden Gladiators
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Gladiators Junior
Thank you. I was just wondering becuase the 4 million dollar arena takes a long time to pay for itself.

This Post:
299939.78 in reply to 299939.76
Date: 4/15/2024 7:58:45 AM
Vatican Vipers
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I see all these posts, about how long it takes an Arena to pay for itself, through merchandise. This isn't really the ideology is it? People aren't taking into account the revenue from the added seats? Or did I miss that?

Anyways I'm a returning player, and I've always piecemealed my arenas. Going for quicker builds to get those seats, ASAP. But this time I'm trying to be thrift about it. The Merchandise bonus(?), do I have to spend 1 million at 1 time or should I wait for 2 million?

Thanks for any answers.

Double R
