Turkey would not have motsed back, would be your mots vs their normal.
Because after mots they would have like 99% lose to Slokavia even if they mots again, and even if they would have miraculously survive, they would have most certainly lost against Makedonia.
If you would have won, you have +1 win more, Point difference against us would not have mattered as turkey would have been with 2 loss after your win. Or with same W/L, but with terrible enthusiasm (extremelly likely to get another loss against 2 opponents), which would have mattered to them, for you it wouldnt.
Regarding today, i doubt anything else in offense would have saved this...
There is still hope, turkey 2 seasons ago managed to not advance with HCA
Makedonia isnt that bad, they have a shot.
Anyways, you see team from inside, we see from outside. It is better to see from inside, maybe you right.
Still very young, experienced players, big rotation. Your time will come.
Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 1/8/2024 1:12:54 PM