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USA - V.72 > Goodbye, and good luck

Goodbye, and good luck

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Date: 8/18/2012 10:01:51 PM
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Well, that's (hopefully) the last that Division 5 will ever see of my team. I enjoyed playing with all of you guys. however, it won't be the last D-V sees of me. I plan on checking in with V72 every few weeks, because I can tell that if you guys will stick around and not go bot, V72 will be a very competitive league in season 21. there are 3 teams in each conference that are right with one another, and all 6 are in position to have huge seasons and make a run at a title. and I won't count out the guys at the bottom of the barrel either, it wouldnt be the first time that a team's gone 1-and-done around here. in season 19, the florida red venom won the league title. the last game of the championship was just their 26th league game.

you guys give eachother hell, I look forward to seeing it unfold from the sidelines this fall, and I also look forward to trying to not be back with you guys this winter.

Last edited by Iamthedude at 8/18/2012 10:03:07 PM

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223842.2 in reply to 223842.1
Date: 8/19/2012 3:29:07 PM
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Congratulations. I have been to D4, several seasons ago, and it is quite the step up from this level. I went from going undefeated in D5 to going 11-11 during my only full D4 season. May you have more success than that.

I counted, and there were only four teams in this league that didn't turn over from the beginning of the season. I think part of getting past D5 is simply staying involved long enough. Fortunately, I've found that the teams that do stick around tend to battle each other that much harder.

Good luck. I don't expect we'll see the Razorbacks in D5 again any time soon.

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223842.3 in reply to 223842.2
Date: 9/16/2012 2:21:16 PM
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Well, dang. looks to me like half that league's gone bot. gonna be another couple boring seasons down there. push through guys, maybe I'll see you again up here. turns out the S20 champion of that league went to IV-6 too, maybe the trend will continue

This league's just as boring though. 3 start-up franchises in my conference, and a guy that's been demoted from D-3 so he's just dominating most of us. I'm hanging around pretty well with the mid-level teams in this conference, 2-1 against them and the loss was against a team that Crunch Time'd me... 5-2 overall, but I expect that to drop a little bit in non-conference play.

Once I'm out of the Cup (Still in right now because the draw has been kind thus far), I wouldn't mind a few revenge match scrimmages against you guys, if you're up for the challenge.

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223842.4 in reply to 223842.1
Date: 3/16/2013 10:31:11 AM
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Pull-Up J's are here!!! New kid on the block with no previous experience but fuming over the downfall of Quickhit Football- now looking to build a dynasty on the hardcourts. Slow and steady will be the pace as I learn the ropes and play victim to a lot of the first. Be warned that there is a new force to be reckoned with in these parts. Look foreward to the battles that lie ahead.

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223842.5 in reply to 223842.4
Date: 3/16/2013 11:46:58 AM
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Welcome. Good to have several non bot players this season. Too bad we have a team that somehow has spent millions in a few weeks to ruin it all.

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223842.6 in reply to 223842.5
Date: 3/16/2013 6:06:43 PM
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Just out of curiosity, who is it that's ruining V72? I might just be willing to give some advice, if only to keep my old league from going down the toilet. Oh, and Bob, I too played QHF for a while... didn't play for the last few months the game was up but still sad to see it's going forever.

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223842.7 in reply to 223842.6
Date: 3/20/2013 6:43:32 AM
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Not sure if anyone is running this league at the moment...not much in the way of communication. Must be a weak league cause I beat a 4 seed last night by 13. First game I had any input with. Says chihorn is GM but I have done little chit-chatting on here, so far. I bought a decent PG and arrange the rotation and got a win. Figures that I would end up in a junk league. Guess I will scrimmage my bums and let the $$$ build a little then search for another piece to add in the coming weeks. I lowered prices on admission figuring it would help build on attendance front- wins shouldn't hurt either. Like the detail here and hope to build in the right way.

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223842.8 in reply to 223842.7
Date: 3/20/2013 4:50:20 PM
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No, no... I said RUINING, not RUNNING... as in that other guy's message says that someone has spent millions in a few weeks to ruin other teams' chances.

As for the rest of that,
1) I expected the other teams to be weak; there's only one team there that was present during my title run three seasons ago.

2) All D-5 leagues are junk; they're all full of teams that just got here, and AI players that are space-fillers.

3) Take your time; the overall level of competition doesn't seem to ever rise much in division five, and you aren't allowed to relegate to Division six. Try to find yourself a set of four to seven solid guys, so when you do get up to division four, you can stay up here. You've got the right idea.

If you ever need advice, just directly reply to a post I make and I'll get a notification the next time I enter the forum. Also, Tangosz used to drop by here every once in a while and I'm sure he still does, and he's always happy to push a fellow V72 in the right direction.

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223842.9 in reply to 223842.8
Date: 3/27/2013 3:28:38 PM
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Appreciate the advice. I got a win last night and have moved to a 2-1 record since starting...inherited an 0-3 start. Got two players and will add as I go. (Not so easy to pick em up, at times, it seems.) Cut ticket prices and such by idea if that was smart? Just playin the game loosely and havin some fun for the moment. Appreciate the time and chat. I will be in touch when stumped beyond a reasonable doubt. Here's to a win!

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223842.10 in reply to 223842.9
Date: 4/21/2013 11:15:13 AM
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I am going to crush you by at least 50 when we play just for your comments.

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223842.11 in reply to 223842.10
Date: 4/21/2013 7:24:17 PM
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Hey everyone! I just joined BuzzerBeater based on a couple friends recommendations. I would accept any help/suggestions that you might have for a new player. Have a great playoffs!