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another game against an inside team

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Date: 7/4/2009 3:14:45 PM
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ok. no more info like my last post. it was nice having played with you guys. I am now 101% sure that the game engine favours inside teams. my opponent is in no way better than my team. his players arent more balanced than mine and certainly there is no way he closed the massive gap i build over the last few seasons. my players almost all have proficient form and no way they shoot 35-40% as to his team shooting 60%.

I just paid for another year supportership but am extremely saddened I did so. I will contact my bank and see whether I can get my money back. this game is so broke, or should I say the game engine. As I have addressed many times before, I dont mind loosing when my opponents are any better than me, but with all respect to my opponent tonight and to for example heroics in my league, they dont have more balanced teams than my team and beat me. Even me as a noob, this game engine is even close to a realistic basketball game...

Will give you 1 example, 3 sec left to go in 2nd quarter. I just scored. On the first second my player fouls his player allowing my opponent to score 2 free throws. Yes, for the people that are out there, and are giving me the 5 examples off sheer rareness this could happen, I know it wouldnt happen in the NBA or any other league in the universe...

i do want to add some info. I have 2 guards with tremendous and sensational jumpshot. They play many games at shooting guard position. Wouldnt that be the guy that should score the most points? Cause that is what a shooting guard is all about? look at my tonights game and take away the 3 pointers for my sensational JS shooting guard Tavares. 2 hit from 12? sorry, totally unreal, my opponent is an inside minded team and no, he doesnt have a greater shooting guard than me that keeps my player with proficient form from scoring...

I won. but my rant wasnt about winning or loosing. the game engine favours inside teams and that is just unfair...

LOL it even gets worse looking at the game stats... he played a TIE and I played at home, his inside shooting is alot less good against my inside defense as his outside defense is against my outside shooting. I matched my opponent on every part or outclassed him and I just barely won the game, because his inside shooter fouled out? THE GAME ENGINE IS SET UP TOFAVOUR INSIDE TEAMS!!!

Last edited by Astragoth at 7/4/2009 3:54:39 PM

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100070.2 in reply to 100070.1
Date: 7/4/2009 4:43:36 PM
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i dont know about inside teams, but surely this season is very different than last one, nothing is going like it supose to go, my team shoots very badly, i am loosing a lot of games and most important, i cant find any reasons why it is happening (last season i understood almost everything). i am thought about quitting too, but i will w8 the changes and i want to see what will happen then.

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100070.3 in reply to 100070.2
Date: 7/4/2009 4:52:56 PM
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ok you worded EXACTLY the way how I have been watching games this season too... my center for example gets most games the most assists? so many players on the forums say my pg should get most assists, since that is what he does, in my team he gets poor assist numbers, excepts tonights game and he has high handling and passing skills.

Look at my PF shot %, he has poor JS and JR shooting, but he scores alot higher % in my run and gun game than he gets when I play an inside focused game?

If I say like me you have lost the plot about the game engine, this season? Does that reflect your feelings?

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100070.4 in reply to 100070.3
Date: 7/5/2009 9:26:30 AM
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i didn't understood really about that plot thing you were saying, but this season i can not recognize GE anymore, it is like a different GE and i need to learn it from beginning.

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100070.7 in reply to 100070.6
Date: 7/5/2009 7:36:39 PM
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my team was 4 points better... it must be very hard for people to read game statistics. and to read what people wrote. the GE clearly favours inside teams and at the end off this season I will swap to inside and prove it to you...

for your information i didnt say i OUTCLASSED him on every part... i said i matched him OR!!!!! outclassed him... thanks for your opinion, very much appreciated, and I will certainly change to inside.

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100070.9 in reply to 100070.8
Date: 7/5/2009 8:30:27 PM
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exactly... where as my outside scoring was several levels higher than his outside defense... proving my point. 1 point better in inside scoring vs inside defense, you score more points than having several points better outside scoring vs outside defense. if 1 level is a "pretty significant difference", my 3 levels more count for nothing? thanks for proving my point...

again i will show you, how much better IS is vs OS.

and the 4 points better is what i ment. my team was more than 4 levels (as you like to call it) better than my opponent. again if you call 1 point difference a "pretty significant difference", than what would be 4 points be? adding home advantage and the knowledge my opponent tied the game???? if that shouldnt be a bigger win than 8 points, your logic totally beats me... when just 1 level is already a "pretty significant difference"...

Last edited by Astragoth at 7/5/2009 8:33:48 PM

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100070.11 in reply to 100070.1
Date: 7/6/2009 4:25:00 AM
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Look at my last two games, the second one especially, and you'll see that it is quite possible to beat the Inside Teams, even when you're playing TIE... Is it random? I don't know, but two games in a row should be a proof that the GE does not favour anybody.


Quitting is the easy way... It would be boring if you could win all the games... Improve your squad, keep training your players, and with good strategy, the result will come...

P.S. I trained guards for 5 seasons, and now I'm training big men for season and half... I never missed Play-Offs, even when my centers were far weaker then the opponent's...