Just a general question on training, has anyone noticed if there are diminishing returns when training one skill consecutively for several weeks. To give an example of what I am speaking about:
Assume there's a gap of 6 points between avg and respectable and the perfect amount of minutes/training time gets you 2 points (overplaying a player may or may not reduce that to get longer training times ie less points available). Which leads to at the minimum a 3 week training time to pop a skill set from avg. But to get from respectable to strong the point difference is 8 points requiring a minimum of 4 weeks.
Or is the training time between all levels the same amount of time?
I guess the only difference it would make is it would cause an owner to cycle training between skills to get partial points from training other skills and keep them from training one skill an entire season
Anyone have any experience in this as I have always cycled training
Last edited by vballkid69 at 7/6/2009 3:54:48 PM