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Arena Question

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From: Nagle
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Date: 7/17/2009 10:35:13 PM
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How long should I be waiting before the first expansion of my arena.. should I wait until I'm close to a sell-out, or should I expand now to get some revenue from something like a Luxury box or additional courtside seating? I know each luxury box will take about 20 weeks to pay for itself if you keep the price at 800 per game (assuming it sells each of those 20 games)...

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101651.2 in reply to 101651.1
Date: 7/17/2009 10:52:58 PM
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Most commonly, bleacher seats are the seats that have a hard time selling out. So, I believe that it would be a good profit for your team in the long run if you expand anything BESIDES bleacher seats.

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101651.3 in reply to 101651.2
Date: 7/17/2009 10:55:32 PM
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That makes perfect sense... do you know how many lower teir, courtside, and luxury box seats a very new team can support? I know that right now those three are selling out every game, which means expanding is a good idea, along with possibly raising prices on them.

Last edited by Nagle at 7/17/2009 10:59:20 PM

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101651.4 in reply to 101651.3
Date: 7/17/2009 11:25:52 PM
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I have:

500 LT
60 CS
2 LB

I've sold those out every game. Maybe there's a link to another post that can help us out...?

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101651.5 in reply to 101651.4
Date: 7/19/2009 12:30:46 AM
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I have 12 LB but have only 5 get sold the last 4 games even though my total attendance has been rising steadily. So I'm not so sure about your previous conclusion.

From: CrazyEye

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101651.6 in reply to 101651.5
Date: 7/19/2009 4:05:31 AM
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psycho if you just sell the half of your luxury box, i recommend to reduce the prices radically.

For somebody, i think you should act the dfferent way build extra seats or make then more expenses(or both) - i would say in the optimum case you have prices where you sell 99,9% becuase it is nealy impossible to find then and hard to know how many visitors can come in when you are to cheap try to fill your arena about 95% after an win(the two cheap categories are highly affected from the last game).

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101651.7 in reply to 101651.5
Date: 7/19/2009 6:39:33 AM
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I read some where that for every 1000 seat you should have 1 LB...You only have 6000 seats... That could be where your problem is... peace

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101651.8 in reply to 101651.7
Date: 7/19/2009 7:17:12 AM
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thats depending much on price ;)

If you are succesfull i recommend more bleachers, if you are medium or unsuccesfull build more from the too expensiv categories