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All Star season 9

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Date: 7/19/2009 11:21:25 AM
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Div II.1 Great 8
Calling All Stars! This years All Star Week at Montebello. Best voting result in years!

The time has come again for All Star Week and this time around Montebello will be the grand stage. II.1 All Star matches has a history of grandeur, having cast former and present Norway U21/NT players like Lervåg, Pettersen, Holm, Rødland, Stensvold, Eggum and Ask, to name a few.Season 5 had the most names and is remembered as the best Allstar game in II.1 in newer history with a close game to the very end. However, the level of competition and skills have come far since then, promising a very entertaining evening this time around. The eastern conference has become very competitive since the champion have been from west for two consecutive seasons. Hence the favorites for this sesasons All Star is Great 8 with the following roster:

Hans Holm (5195140) Oslo West Pomeranians
Allstar season 8 & 9. Debut for U21 in season 7 (4229) and NT bench warmer from this season. Listed as Center and with most of his experience from PF/SF, it will be interesting to see if he can master the art of PG.

Levi Andreassen (4777515) Tiger Town
Allstar season 7 & 9. Muscle man Levi surpasses most passers and provides layups that would cause the most timid cake layerer to question his work. Will stand his ground against a freight train, if he doesn't get fouled out by wrecking it.

Jan Pettersen (4777267) Hammerdown
Allstar season 6, 7 and 9. This is name most of us recognise for his efforts in U21 and NT. Wicked allrounder with a personal best of 50 points from Montebello stadium. (6561430) This time around, with the home crowd on his side, will he top his old record?

Enrique García (4767858) Saga Magic
With an impressive FT% at over 86 and 57 points personal best this colombian rattlesnake is an important backup for Great 8. Although great on paper, can he compete with Pettersen for the spotlight?

Minh Aadland (5267028) Saga Magic
Saga Magic provides the starter SF this year. Originally a PG, Minh has been around since the clubs first baby steps and will with his determination and keen eye for openings most likely run Great 8's roster with an iron hand. His greatest weakness is his fear of FT. Can he muster the courage to face the deafening silence surrounding the precious FT moments?

Leopoldo Jacinto Palermo (2238979) Plan B
One of the smallest SF's the world has ever seen, the argentinian with the italian ancestry knows more secrets about the play behind the curtains to spot weaknesses of the enemy within the first few minutes of entering the court. If in doubt about your next move, ask Palermo for a favor.

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101915.2 in reply to 101915.1
Date: 7/19/2009 11:21:34 AM
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Stanislav Pinkhasov (5768837) Tiger Town
Allstar season 8 & 9, the ranking says it all about this german HoF. The crowd pleaser from Tiger Town may play a leading role in wednesdays match. That is if he doesn't get put of his game by the first class facilities on Oslos better side of town.

David Dève (2369194) Hammerdown
Hammerdowns most expencive acquisition, Dangerous Dève is a monster if in shape. And at the moment nothing foretells us that he isn't. The only thing that doesn't make him starter is that in his eagerness to dominate he gets sloppy and turns over the ball to often. If he can restrain himself he is the strongest card in
Great 8's hand of fate. If you don't keep your cool this little frenchman will ice you.

Roger Oromí (3010878) Tiger Town
Allstar comeback since season 7, Roger is another key player from II.1 veteran Tiger Town. Although his relative height for center doesn't scare a toddler this spaniard can stun a cobra with his swift rebounding. Also carries a sharp brood which he uses to lay down his opposition so he can finish of the top of the hoop. Unfortunately, like Minh his FT anxiety have been acting up lately and can be a pivot point for Big 8.

Snir Shaked (2321563) Hammerdown
Snir "The Sneak" Shaked is Great 8's second superbackup provided by Hammerdown. Dominating the air, passing overhead and making a spectacle is this players strenghts. Although he isn't the greatest in any genre, it all adds up to a devastating package that will outlast most durable players, adding a great finish to a strong start.

On the other side stands last seasons BLNO team Bromstad Bricks with 3 out of 5 starters with Geir Solstad (4777935), Thomasz Bjørndalen (2568482) and Woodrow Robertson (762957). knn sports a strong rebounder in William Zippi (3203085) from uruguay at center. The inferior Big 8's chances rely on their ability to make the most out of SF Woodrow Robertson and playing Askim Flyers center backup Odd Viken-Valvåg (2304356) in a test of faith that his 7'2" height will be enough.

Pre match analysis by Oslo West Pomeranians fan club president, Inge Naning.

Last edited by Svett Sleik (U21-Scout Norge) at 7/19/2009 1:43:56 PM

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101915.3 in reply to 101915.2
Date: 7/19/2009 1:52:04 PM
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Wow fantastisk oppsummering av All-Star lagene :)

Noe jeg ikke skjønner er hvordan denne personen (3119851) fikk så mange stemmer til All-Star laget i min divisjon? Noen som hvet hvordan de finner de rette personene til All-star laget, eller er det litt tilfeldig?

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101915.4 in reply to 101915.3
Date: 7/19/2009 2:35:44 PM
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Det har noe med hvilken posisjon de har spillt i så langt i sesongen. F.eks. Holm som har trent utsideskills, men egentlig er PF og BB rangerer han som C pga at det er den posisjonen som angir høyest lønn. Han ble valgt som PG... ikke at det er katastrofe, men tror han ville gjort seg bedre som SF og hatt noen andre på PG. Jeg tror jeg har lest noe et sted om at antall spilleminutter også har noe å si. Utover det blir det bare gjetninger fra min side, men det virker som om lønna har en god del å si.

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101915.5 in reply to 101915.1
Date: 7/22/2009 3:16:47 PM
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Som forventet ble PG rollen litt for tøff for Holm som viste liten tilstedeværelse i frykt for å kludre det til. Det ville nok vært smartere å starte med Tiger Towns Andreassen. De andre Tiger Town spillerne Oromi og Pinkhasov hadde ikke dagen. Oromi gjorde det han måtte, men det var langt fra noen helhjertet prestasjon. Pinkhasov er en farlig spiller for fremtiden siden han tross dårlig form gjorde noen tøffe mål tidlig i kampen som var nok til å reise publikum i stående applaus. De som derimot overbevist var Pettersen, Aadland og innbytterne Déve og Garcia. Pettersen scoret på alle skudd frem til godt ut i 3dje. Aadland overrasket som den Great 8s starting fives med lavest lønn, og selv om han slet defensivt var han på hugget i så å si alle angrep, enten med målgivende pasninger, som beste målscorer eller med å ta ned rebounds. Great 8s beste.

På motsatt side ble det gjort noen gode taktiske valg. Som nevnt i prematch analysen fikk innbytter Viken-Valvåg mest spilleminutter på C, en viktig faktor for at kampen gikk i favør Big 8. Jevnt over var Big 8 mye mer samspillt (muligens den harde kampen om PO plass i Great 8 bidro til at stemningen var litt spent i Great 8 leiren), men kveldens store stjerne var Bromstad Bricks Thomasz Bjørndalen. Han var over hele banen, hadde ekstrem tilstedeværelse både i forsvar og angrep, og fikk til og med satt Pettersen ut av spill i sluttminuttene. Kveldens andre beste målscorer og totalt sett banens beste.

Selv om jeg står igjen i den tapende østleiren var det en meget positiv tendens i kveldens kamp, nemlig at så mange norske spillere var med og dominerte skreddersydde spillere som er hentet fra utlandet. Som Rema 1000 sier, det enkle er ofte det beste ;)

Last edited by Svett Sleik (U21-Scout Norge) at 7/22/2009 3:30:55 PM