I've just started buzzer and don't have much experience,but i play some managers(HT,Sokker,Footstar) for quite some while and from what i've understood rules state:"Full Court Press: Significant increase in created turnovers at the expense of stamina, defense, and rebounding. Very high pace", so your firstly your PG and secondly SG must have very good Handling("Handling: Allows the player to avoid losing the ball to the opposing defense while dribbling. Important against a pressing defense") and Passing("Passing: Helps to create good shots (and get assists). Bad passing can also lead to turnovers").All quotes u will find reading the rules.So if u think u have good enought handling+passing u should play Look inside else (if u don't have these qualities for PG, SG,SF(SF counts less) ) then u should play Low post(it's not Look post:D).here is one more quote to help u decide if u should take my advice"Offensive Flow (how well the offense produces assists, avoids turnovers): point guard weighted very heavily, shooting guard weighted medium, small forward weighted medium."Hope this answer helps u somewhat.
Edited by fireratbat (12/18/2007 5:24:04 PM CET)
Last edited by GM-fireratbat at 12/18/2007 5:24:04 PM
Good things come to those, who have patience