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Suggestions > Tactical experience

Tactical experience

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Date: 8/12/2009 5:15:14 AM
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In hattrick there's a variable for the teams performance that depends on how used the squad are to play with certain tactics. It seems that in BuzzerBeater a team can play 2-3 zone for a complete season, and then suddenly start playing 1-3-1 without having difficulties adjusting. I think it would be very interesting to add that factor into the equation when deciding on wich tactic to use in a certain game. This would also mean you could add more advanced tactics, such as the triangle, and make them harder to learn but more difficult to defend. It would add more realism and make the tactical options before a game more interesting.

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104781.3 in reply to 104781.1
Date: 9/2/2009 3:30:06 PM
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i'm not a hattrick player, but i read a lot abaut comparison between this 2 games and i remember that in hattrick exist the monoskill player. In BB no.
if i have a player with good levels of both defences and its his job to play basketball, its normal for him to know how to defend in this way, isn't?

Abaut the kind of defences, i don't know if u know how to use the 5 defences typology, cos u say
It seems that in BuzzerBeater a team can play 2-3 zone for a complete season
try this defence vs a Run&gun!

I think it would be very interesting to add that factor into the equation when deciding on wich tactic to use in a certain game. This would also mean you could add more advanced tactics, such as the triangle, and make them harder to learn but more difficult to defend. It would add more realism and make the tactical options before a game more interesting.

pick & Roll!!
I'm completly agree with you!

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104781.4 in reply to 104781.3
Date: 9/9/2009 5:27:06 AM
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I tottalya agree with you.. They may not be so good at man to man defence after a whole season playing a 2-3 zone.

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104781.5 in reply to 104781.1
Date: 9/9/2009 8:42:39 AM
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Maybe more realistic but less fun as this would narrow tactical options and ability to surprise your opponent. In addition if the learning would be like substract from your strenght now to gain later, lucky teams with weal conference
(and tanking team) wouldl gain from to be able to risk that in easy matches to get advantage over those who couldn't afford that because of tougher competition. And should that count for next seasion too? What if half of team are new players - do team know the tactic well or the players?

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104781.6 in reply to 104781.5
Date: 9/9/2009 9:56:01 AM
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With the new changes we must say goodby to this things, now top team (1th and 2nd league) can pay and keep monstermultiskillplayer!
Man to man for ever...