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Suggestions > Scouting and Draft

Scouting and Draft

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From: Digler
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Date: 8/17/2009 11:33:04 PM
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I have been previewing the new site, and I am anxious to see if anything will change with the scouting/draft part of the engine.

With that in mind I thought of a suggestion for allocating the scouting to the draft picks. I know a lot of managers don't like the fact that they do not get to choose when a player gets the second scout attempt, so I think it would be a good idea to have the game allocate the initial scouting to the players, and leave the remaining second scouting to the manager.

Of course we don't know what the new site is doing for the scouting/draft. Maybe the BBs could give us a little idea of what the new site has for the draft.

This Post:
105425.2 in reply to 105425.1
Date: 8/18/2009 11:06:51 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
There are no draft changes with the new site that I am aware of.

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