Hentet fra
Aug. 25 (Tu): Playoffs: Conference semifinals and Relegation Playoffs Game 1.
Aug. 25 (Tu): Every team that is eliminated from the playoffs has a scrimmage generated for Sep. 14.
Aug. 27 (Th): Scrimmages/Cup game
Aug. 29 (Sa): Conference finals, Relegation Game 2, scrimmages.
Aug. 29 (Sa): League finals and Sep. 21 scrimmages (for the other 14 teams) generated.
Sep. 1 (Tu): Finals Game 1, Relegation game 3 (if necessary)
Sep. 3 (Th): Scrimmages
Sep. 5 (Sa): Finals Game 2, scrimmages for all other teams.
Sep. 6 (Su): Finals Game 3 (if necessary)
Sep. 7 (M): We begin offseason processing. After the conclusion of the last competitive national team game of the day, this involves a Game Shape reset, so it is probably inadvisable for most teams to train Game Shape.
Sep. 7 (M): Elections begin late tonight (EST).
Sep. 7 (M): New countries are first available for signup.
Sep. 10 (Th): Scrimmages
Sep. 12 (Sa): First league gameday of the new season.
Sep. 13 (Su): Elections conclude at the end of the day (EST).
Sep. 16 (W): First BuzzerBeater's Best game of Season 10.
Sep. 17 (Th): First Tournament game of Season 10.