After talking with some friends, i think everyone agree that the draft desing could be better.
Now you con only decide the amount of money to spend and, sometimes, it´s spended in trush information, such as the potencial of player with just one ball.
Here i leave my suggestion waiting for your opinions:
1.- Generate the players at the begining of the season
2.- Select, every week, who is going a be watched, recibing the data during the same week.
3.- 3 looks necesary to see all the information of each player. In the first one some basic data: age, heith and best position. In the second one, the actual ball valoration after a game. The last one, the potencial of the player.
4.- To balance with the actual sistem, the minimum amount will report the data of 5 player in the first case, 3 player en the second and 2 in the last.
With that sistem, i think, the draft will be much helpful to plan our teams, cause if you need a playmaker you could study all the playmakers....
Thanks, and i hope you like it