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Suggestions > Skills level indicator

Skills level indicator

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Date: 8/28/2009 8:34:34 AM
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I noticed in Chinese interface, i can see all skills level with a number with it, e.g. Respectable (7)

Can we have this numbering also for english interface ? Coz I often need to move the mouse over the skill level to see the exactly skill level number.


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107110.3 in reply to 107110.2
Date: 9/2/2009 10:06:21 AM
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Then Chinese UI should kill the numbers, instead of adding those numbers in Eng. UI, am I correct ?

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107110.5 in reply to 107110.4
Date: 9/3/2009 10:38:23 AM
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Even thought this isn't a good idea, I hope the players who are using the Chinese UI won't be too upset when they see BB cutting the numbers out of the skills level.

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107110.7 in reply to 107110.6
Date: 9/3/2009 11:33:35 AM
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Numbers are available as tool-tips in all languages, and having words instead of numbers for skill levels is not accidental.

they have both when i understand it right, so you still have a "respectable" as a skill name but you see directly the number behind this.

Yes this isn't accidentical, but nothing which destroys the design or the game.

i know also one or two points where german LA ain't 100% correct, but that are more improving then annoying.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 9/3/2009 11:34:21 AM

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107110.9 in reply to 107110.8
Date: 9/4/2009 11:53:15 AM
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Skills are described with words, because the intention is to create the actual feel of a player's level of ability, rather than just have a dry collection of numbers. So in this sense, this alteration does destroy the intent of the game design.

If you click on "Set your lineup", there is a new table where i can see all my players skills in numbers. Shall we kill that table too ? since it destroy the intent of the game design like you said. ^_^

Not to mention, when you move your mouse on the skill "e.g. respectable" it will show the number 7, maybe we should kill it too, so we can have a consistent game and give us the actual feel of a player's level of ability.

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107110.10 in reply to 107110.9
Date: 9/4/2009 11:56:59 AM
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If you click on "Set your lineup", there is a new table where i can see all my players skills in numbers. Shall we kill that table too ? since it destroy the intent of the game design like you said. ^_^

That was designed to have numbers. The regular player page is not, except for the tooltip.

Not to mention, when you move your mouse on the skill "e.g. respectable" it will show the number 7, maybe we should kill it too, so we can have a consistent game and give us the actual feel of a player's level of ability.

There's a big difference between a tooltip and having the number right there.

The numbers need to be removed, they are not part of the translation, period.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
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Any four will score
Any five are live
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107110.11 in reply to 107110.10
Date: 9/5/2009 12:36:14 PM
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Now is really confusing, so, shall we have numbers or not ?
If I didn't get lost, some pages are made without numbers to give you actual feel of a player's level of ability (numbers ruins the game).
And some other pages are made full of numbers and no wordings, and that was designed for ?

To me, I think that's we call inconsistency on the information show to the users, since the game should either use numbers for skills for every page or just wordings in every page. A mix of both is really confusing, not to mention inconsistency between different languages UI.

Anyways, I better forget this topic and concentrate my next season preparation. Don't wanna waste my time.