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National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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From: SammyD
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109423.2 in reply to 109423.1
Date: 9/8/2009 1:51:44 AM
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Hey New Zealand. I would like to run for the NZ U21 National Team coach position. I have played for over a season now and was a very competitive team in my first full season beating two div1 teams in the cup and getting beaten in the semi finals by the eventual winner of my division. I have a good knowledge of the game and log in multiple times daily. I can also help with training advice and know it is crucial to train NZ's U21 players if NZ is to become a strong national team.

If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask. :)

- SammyD

This Post:
109423.3 in reply to 109423.2
Date: 9/8/2009 2:43:50 AM
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Hi guys, I have registered for running in this years national U21 team election. I manage the Meadowbank Darkness (II.2)

A quick portfolio.
I came into BuzzerBeater late Season 8, I started out with a team facing relegation, about 6th or 7th on the standings. My team was completely made up of players with low potential and bad skill sets (also mainly old). I have taken that team from the relegation series in Season 8 to the Conf. finals in season 9. We played the top team in the league (well they came 2nd in league) and only lost by like 15 or 20 odd points, when we had started out losing by like 50 points, so I have taken my team a long way.

My specialties: I have a knack for picking players with any skill sets and knowing whether they are worth any talent! I also know how to work with different players in different positions very well.

What do I want you to know?: I think you guys should know that even though I'm only in league II.2, that doesn't mean I can't be a great manager. I am going to put a lot of time into taking this Kiwi side to the top!

What do I aim to do?: I aim to take New Zealand to a high level for a small nation like our Aotearoa. I am a born and breed Kiwi and I think I can take us to a good placing in the Oceania/Asia championships.

Thanks guys, vote for me and feel free to ask any questions with any queries to me.

I am happy to answer and I am happy to be New Zealand's national U21 head coach!

Thanks, tmacdaman

Last edited by tmacdaman at 9/8/2009 2:45:15 AM

From: takis17
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109423.4 in reply to 109423.3
Date: 9/8/2009 2:31:12 PM
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hello my friends!
my name is takis15 i am from greece (hellas) i am very ambitious for your team with the right work your U21 will go through the top 35!these are not <<big words>> with a good work and a staff from my country and your country we will have a great chance of 35 best u21 in the world!finally if you vote me for NEW ZEALAND u21 nt coach i will try hard to accomplish my promises!i forgot it i am a scouter for 2 seasons in u21 of hellas i have this experience and i am ready to help your u21!


Last edited by takis17 at 9/9/2009 5:27:39 AM

From: colesy
This Post:
109423.5 in reply to 109423.4
Date: 9/8/2009 9:08:49 PM
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Hey Guys...

I am going to run again for the U21 team job. The past two seasons have really been development seasons for me and i think that we have done a really good job to get alot of strong 20-21 year olds. This is going to be the strongest U21 team we have had as the past two seasons I have mainly been working with younger players who are just starting to become good players now.

For me it would be a great chance to be able to be elected again and given the chance ot finish what i started. I think my experience with the side so far is beneficial and in the past two campaigns i feel that I've done a pretty good job with the side considering how dramatically under strength we are compared to the top sides.

Recently i finished top of my conference in Div.1 and pushed altezza in the finals. the two teams that finished below me in my conference are most probably stronger sides than me and i beat them both in winning the conference. Lastly i do understand that we have alot of good young managers and these are most likely the future managers of our national team but experience can count for alot in this game.

Cheers guys....
