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BB Lubnan > U21 Lubnan season 10 and 11

U21 Lubnan season 10 and 11

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Date: 9/17/2009 4:24:19 AM
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to show you that your U21 coach has got a team in place, that is working as hard as possible to scout all Lubnan talents. we hereby would like to ask anyone that isn't contacted by sunday 20 september and who feels that his player might be worth the U21 team, to contact the U21 coach or a member of his crew ( the U21 coach himself will post later a message, saying who is working on what aspect, so that you can contact the right person.)

this thread will also be the place you can ask your coach or his staff certain questions. however, please do not ask 'why is my player not selected?' or simular questions. any questions regarding training a player can be asked here.

the coach and his staff is also trying to bring all talents in a excel document to see their progress, their skill lvl, etc...

we hope that this will be done by sunday morning.

everyone with a 18, 19 20 or 21 year old that looks promissing, will be contacted as soon as possible with a few questions from a member of the U21 staff:

your skills of that player
your trainingscheem ( who you intend on training that player)
your trainers lvl ( it is recommended to have a lvl 5 trainer, though we know it is hard to get one. so we'll show some patience if you haven't got one yet)


the best 12 players will be selected into the U21 team. normally, any 18 or 19 year old players shouldn't be selected. since their isn't a great choice of players ( usually, their are minimal 80 players to chose friom, but that isn't the case in lubnan unfortunately) their might be some 19 year old or even 18 year old players on the team.

the remaining 6 places will be reserved to save a player from a team that is about to go bot. that way, we can save the talents of your country too. once this isn't necessairy anymore, we'll be selecting the other players.

this means that even though your player isn't in the actual U21 squad, he might be a futur member and theirfor it is vital for us to get a weekly update on what skill he progressed ( ofcourse, if he hasn't progressed, jsut send a mail saying no progression this week).

we will try and post some manuals as soon as possible on this forum, so please keep an eye out for it. also keep an eye on futur announcements that the coach or a member of his staff will do through this forum thread.


your under U21 Staff

Last edited by AthrunZala at 9/17/2009 4:25:15 AM

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111820.2 in reply to 111820.1
Date: 9/19/2009 8:21:42 AM
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Hello everyone, this is your new U21 NT Coach.
As Revo correctly said we're working hard to scout all the most talented players in Lubnan, in order to make a solid team and a good database in wich we can see the development of each player.

Again as Revo said everyone that has a talented player from 18 to 21 YO will be contacted by a member of my staff, but since we're humans we might miss someone, and that's where you enter in the game, you should contact one of us in order to present us a valuable and talented player that you have.

Please in the message put these things:

skills of the player
your training-schedule (what skill you intend to train on that player)
your trainers lvl ( it is recommended to have a lvl 5 trainer, though we know it is hard to get one. so we'll show some patience if you haven't got one yet)

I hope we can all work together in order to make good result these 2 years, and i'm sure that with your help we can do it :)

If you have question or want to propose a player contact me or a member of my staff, we will answer as soon as we can:

Launets (Lubnan U21 Coach) - A.B. Propistacci (45839) - Head Coach
Revo - Antwerp Angels (37476) - PF/SF/C Scout and my Right Hand
TLunez - Belmoro Basket (45852) - PM/G Scout and my Left Hand

Thank you all and best regards,

Your U21 STAFF

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