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Date: 9/20/2009 8:12:47 PM
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Okay I'm a little confused here. Merchandising revenue has never fluctuated so much since I've been playing. 2 weeks ago I made 13k. Last week I made 33k. I thought this was due to a promotion to div III but this week it went back down to 24k.

Thats a pretty big swing if you ask me....nothing else has changed. I've had the same PR manager.

Any explainations for this?

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112639.2 in reply to 112639.1
Date: 9/20/2009 10:09:39 PM
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This is the new way merchandise will be done starting season 10. From the BBs in the home page news:

As announced previously, teams with great players will sell more merchandise. More fans want to wear the jerseys of players who are amongst their league, division, country, or even world leaders. Further, fans prefer wearing the jerseys of players who grew up close to home; domestic players sell more merchandise than foreign players, and fans get particularly excited if they can watch one of your own draft picks lead your team to prominence. On the other hand, fans have seen too many high-priced players who can't deliver when it matters. It's performance that matters, not salary.

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112639.3 in reply to 112639.2
Date: 9/20/2009 10:44:36 PM
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i saw that too... but for the merchandising revenue to shoot up 200% in a week (which I presume was due to promotion) and the next week it drops 50% is just a bit too much of a variance.

Is anyone else having these kind of fluctuations?

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112639.4 in reply to 112639.3
Date: 9/20/2009 11:10:30 PM
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I have not seen my merch for this week yet since it is not Monday here, but I think it will fluctuate more this year since it depends a lot on performance. I am anxious to see what happens with mine Monday morning, so I can't comment on the fluctuations yet.

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112639.5 in reply to 112639.3
Date: 9/21/2009 12:21:46 AM
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Your increase was not because of promotion as far as i am aware. I was not promoted after last season and this is my merch;

9/7/2009 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 23 365
9/14/2009 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 40 881

I too saw a large increase, from what i believe was the initiation of the new system not a promotional increase. Have you sold any players recently?(in particular any home grown or rookies), or did you lose a few games between merch processing? that may be the reason you dropped again after the large increase the first week.

Only after next week will we be able to see a trend as obviously 3 statistics are needed to see a trend.

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112639.6 in reply to 112639.3
Date: 9/21/2009 11:13:59 AM
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I too had big fluctuations in revenue. I also thought it was due to promotion (from L4 to L3). However, I also did sell one of my top home-grown Hall of Fame potential trainees, which could also have had an impact. Maybe I should have rethought that.

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112639.7 in reply to 112639.3
Date: 9/21/2009 4:35:49 PM
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Nobody knows much about how merchandising cahnges work but read Changes in Season 10 thread on Global and the merchandising one too.

You lost in cup, sold one player, maybe your players (and native especially) went down in leader bords of your league and of your country a bit, who knows...hard to say