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Some newbie training and tactic questions.

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Date: 1/3/2008 11:53:10 PM
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The first few games have been quite wonderful. However, being in a league of 2 people does have it's disadvantages... mainly that trial and error goes out of the proverbial window! Hopefully, you guys can guide me right.

1. I'm training inside scoring for now on all forwards/center
2. Player 2-3 defense and look inside offense since I have better big men than guards.

1. What is the best way to train for my particular tactics? Should I continue with inside scoring throughout, or is it better to switch training schemes for an overall development of the team?
2. I understand that it is better to concentrate on 1-2 positions instead of 3 positions or the entire team. But how big is the difference? Is it better to train C/PF one week and maybe SF/PF another week instead of training all three together?
3. My tactics and training for the moment is focused on the big men. Which means of course that the guards don't see much training action. The big question for me is that whether I should diversify my training regime to make it good for all players. Or is it more worthwhile to play the market (train/sell forwards/centers and buy up guards).


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11463.2 in reply to 11463.1
Date: 1/5/2008 1:57:30 PM
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seeing what you did already, and also the questions you ask I think you nkow well enough how to manage your team.
As the game isn't THAT old yet, and I know a little, but not a lot, I feel it is wiser for me to shut up, rather than to give you false info.

I'd say, go on doing what you are doing, and you'll learn what's better for you soon enough (if there is... quite possibly you are doing great already!)
I could teel you what I would do, but can't tell if it's best, and I see you like to nkow what is best...

Maybe some of the 'older' managers can give some more info.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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11463.3 in reply to 11463.2
Date: 1/8/2008 9:40:44 AM
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Thanks mate! I guess you are right that I hate making mistakes and of course there is no one way of going about it. Hopefully some people will join in and then I can test myself out a bit more!

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11463.4 in reply to 11463.1
Date: 1/8/2008 10:41:05 AM
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Difficult questions, i give you my opinion.

1 At the moment most trainers of C/PF alternate IS, ID and Reb. But it depends of course on the current skills of your players. It also depends on what you want to do with your trainees: the market still overpays (IMHO) monoskilled, but the GE probably does not.
Do not underestimate secondary skills... passing and FT are also quite important for big men.
Last... the salary is probably (?) lower with skills well distributed.

2 Do not know... but would stick on either 2 or 3 positions, not just 1.

3 I will personaly play the market. Young trainees are very expensive to be able to afford them in many positions. But keep in mind that good SF and PG are way more expensive than good big men.

From: Huzzel

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11463.5 in reply to 11463.1
Date: 1/8/2008 1:21:00 PM
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I do agree to LA-Lord of Doom. Some people here in the forum give advices without knowing for sure about. u have got good questions and probably nobody can answer them for sure. Everyone has his own theories on them.
Most informations the community has about training, u will find in this thread (381.1).
No individual can have much more informations, cause this game is only 3 seasons old. Furthermore those guys who have a tiny bit more informations than this thread are not willing to share their tiny bit with the community (otherwise they would have done already ;-)). So u probably wont get any help from them in a public forum anyways^^

one advice I can give u. i have taken a look at your roster. your SF is very old. Dont know if he gets his minutes on SF. If he does I would train either PF/C or just C rather than SF/PF/C. U better use those 48 for a young player who train a lot faster. Same thing for your 30year old center. I would not give him any minutes on C or PF when I train C/PF. Dont know if u can use him as a SF instead.

Edited by Huzzel (1/8/2008 1:22:41 PM CET)

Last edited by Huzzel at 1/8/2008 1:22:41 PM