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Suggestions > Schedule and Roster Links in "Manage Team"

Schedule and Roster Links in "Manage Team"

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From: Emilio
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Date: 10/8/2009 8:03:45 AM
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For me, it would be very useful to have a link to the Schedule and Roster pages from "Manage my Team".
The Roster link, could be at the economy box, just as for Staff and Scouters.
The Schedule link, could be somewhere in the Tactics or Scrimmages Boxes.

I think these links will save time and clicks to all BB users.

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: docend24

This Post:
114814.2 in reply to 114814.1
Date: 10/8/2009 12:38:36 PM
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Use long menu then.

From: Emilio

This Post:
114814.3 in reply to 114814.2
Date: 10/15/2009 4:31:37 PM
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The long menu is not forever, and the links for economy, arena, staff... in the "manage team" page are also in the long menu. Should they remove them? For me they are very helpful, and that's why I suggested this. Thanks for your "help". ;-)

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: docend24

This Post:
114814.4 in reply to 114814.3
Date: 10/15/2009 4:36:34 PM
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De nada:)