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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Training Behind Schedule?

Training Behind Schedule?

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Date: 10/16/2009 8:01:11 AM
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I'm in the U.S. in New York -- it's about 8:00 a.m. here and training hasn't happened yet. Server issue?

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115680.2 in reply to 115680.1
Date: 10/16/2009 8:06:49 AM
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our training was almost 2 hours behind the usual time, however i have noticed that the training updates arrive later and later by the week...

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115680.4 in reply to 115680.3
Date: 10/16/2009 8:25:33 AM
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on the minute or almost 2 hours later is a big difference and several people are mentioning it to be delayed for about 2 hours.

how do i know it was 2 hours, because training used to be spot on time, it used to come around 1100 am my time. My Pl game started at 1300 pm and i remember there were less than 15 minutes left doay before the PL game was supposed to start.

It wasnt a complaint from my side, all I did was post what I have noticed, and what I have noticed recently is that on a weekly basis training updates happen later and later. The question is what kind off delay is acceptable. From your comment, I understand I need to be more patient, but I am paying for this game, so a 2 hour delay isnt really acceptable.

Furthermore, this doesnt seem to be a one off incident, last season the same thing happened, people started complaining and it was "fixed". I guess how further down the season it gets, how longer it takes, but a new "fix" would be very much appreciated.

Last edited by Astragoth at 10/16/2009 8:27:45 AM

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115680.7 in reply to 115680.6
Date: 10/16/2009 8:54:28 AM
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in Spain was a bit more than 2h late

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115680.8 in reply to 115680.7
Date: 10/16/2009 9:00:30 AM
1986 Celtics
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everything appears to be caught up when i woke up 10 minutes ago.

From: Xtc
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115680.9 in reply to 115680.8
Date: 10/23/2009 6:41:14 AM
In your face
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Forrest wake up again! it seems to work to fix training delays!