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Unable to bid on TL players

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Date: 10/28/2009 7:39:47 AM
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After following a player for days when his auction nears completion you can't get onto his page in order to bid for him. The Red Army got themselves a bargain as I presume I wasn't the only one who had this probelm. Luckily it was only free agency that lost out on about 1.5m but for a game of this size it's a bit of a joke.

I haven't tried to buy someone for a couple of seasons but similar things happened then, the only thing that's changed is that the error message looks more professional - great! congratulations on this great progress!!

I tried going on to another TL player to see if it was just the one guy and it wasn't. I tried to get to the page from two different places on the site and using two different browsers but just got the same error message which have all apparently been logged. The problem seemed to start about 11am UK time as I was happily on the guys page before then.

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117168.2 in reply to 117168.1
Date: 10/30/2009 10:03:28 AM
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i am not trying to be a smart ass and just want to help, do you use IE as browser?

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117168.3 in reply to 117168.2
Date: 10/31/2009 1:29:20 PM
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I follow a player that i would have in my team and wait the last moment to bid on him. But, when i wanna bid this message always appear :

Something went wrong with your request. The error has automatically been logged and reported to BuzzerBeater developers. Some errors go away when you hit the back button and try again. If you continue to get an error, you can post about it in the bugs forum.
On the new site, the most common reason for this error is because you were trying to access a page that assumed you were logged in when in fact you were not (probably becuase your session timed out). So simply logging in and trying again might solve your problem. We are working on fixing this more elegantly.

So, at the end, i miss this player who was the only one who interrest me and for who i got enough money.

Where's the probleme?