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Osmosis Training

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From: CrazyEye

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117886.2 in reply to 117886.1
Date: 11/5/2009 5:44:08 AM
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if you train outside defence, he got also a bit ID training, but to have those up with for weeks training after another pop you are lucky :)

From: 8ants

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117886.3 in reply to 117886.1
Date: 11/5/2009 1:11:14 PM
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Training history? Have you been just keeping track of rating changes on your own, or is there a way to display a player's rating history through BB?

From: jacobomd

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117886.4 in reply to 117886.3
Date: 11/5/2009 1:17:40 PM
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Try BuzzerControl ( or keep all the information in excell.

From: docend24

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117886.5 in reply to 117886.3
Date: 11/5/2009 1:45:27 PM
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Supporter feature in this case. Do you remember how profile pages of your players looked the first week you played and had supporter package? So those panels showing level grows and each grow has a different colour showing how many weeks before the player popped in the skill (but not wat you trained that week). Only pops from weeks when you owned the player are visibloe this way.

From: 8ants

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117886.6 in reply to 117886.5
Date: 11/5/2009 5:40:51 PM
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Thanks for the info. Another reason for me to finally go get that supporter upgrade.

From: FatCurry

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117886.7 in reply to 117886.6
Date: 11/5/2009 5:48:58 PM
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Honestly Buzzer Control (Link Mentioned Above) Does a lot better job tracking your players progress than the simple system implemented for BB Supporters.

This Post:
117886.8 in reply to 117886.7
Date: 11/5/2009 7:29:27 PM
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Honestly Buzzer Control (Link Mentioned Above) Does a lot better job tracking your players progress than the simple system implemented for BB Supporters.

IMHO setting up a spreadsheet with something like Google Docs does a much better job than either.

This Post:
117886.9 in reply to 117886.8
Date: 11/6/2009 11:50:35 AM
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Agreed for those like you and I who have some talent and experience at Excell it is a much better job but Control is automatic which is a benefit to those without the time.

This Post:
117886.10 in reply to 117886.4
Date: 11/7/2009 5:05:44 PM
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what's wrong with this program, i can't connect.

This Post:
117886.11 in reply to 117886.10
Date: 11/7/2009 11:17:18 PM
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works fine for me. make sure you use your access key (editable @ the preferences tab)