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New country request

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Date: 11/6/2009 7:11:18 AM
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Actually, I'm from Macau but Macau still not available in BB, thus, can any GM tell how can I make an official request to BB to establish my zone in BB ? and any requirements needed for the request ?

Thank you in advance for any useful information.

Last edited by [MAC]FALCONMACAU at 11/6/2009 9:54:23 AM

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117994.5 in reply to 117994.4
Date: 11/6/2009 10:06:03 AM
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I mean, if more and more players from Macau, will that happen that BB will create an option for them ?

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117994.6 in reply to 117994.5
Date: 11/6/2009 11:15:46 AM
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
To be considered Macau must be a member of FIBA (orwhatever the name of the basketball association is). Is that the case? If not you will have no chances to get your country created. If it is there will be a requirement from at least a few users.

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117994.7 in reply to 117994.6
Date: 11/6/2009 12:18:35 PM
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Macau is part of the FIBA.

Actually, Macau is not a country, but a SAR of China, just like Hong Kong.
For user requirements, i think will wait for GM reply.
Thanks for the hint on FIBA.

Last edited by [MAC]FALCONMACAU at 11/6/2009 12:20:23 PM

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117994.8 in reply to 117994.6
Date: 11/6/2009 12:29:30 PM
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There was a thread about countries in BB (why England and others instrad of UK etc.) Global or Suggestion board I dont remeber. There was clear answer how what country is for the purpose of BB. It has nothing to do with FIBA.

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117994.9 in reply to 117994.1
Date: 11/7/2009 12:26:14 AM
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I am live in Macau too, but extremely it is does not have to choose, but chooses the China league tournament.

I remembered when registers, the news said actually
Unfortunately your country does not yet have a league. Below is a list of leagues that are available for your team to play in. Keep in mind that matches are played at the local time for each league, and so you should select a league for a country that is close to where you live.

GM may open outside China's city unexpectedly, for example Hong Kong, Taiwan as early as already founded in the 3rd season.
Why doesn't have an Macau individual contribution?

I cultivate ask to ask each GM to comply to request.Thanks!

Last edited by [MAC] qunqiu220 at 11/7/2009 12:28:15 AM