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My big dilemma

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From: Lambaw
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Date: 11/6/2009 2:54:37 PM
Team Fusio
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi everyone

Being a bit of a traditionalist i have a dilemma about training my best 2 players who are both play at SF. To train them most effeciently I have been advised to play them at PG so as to limit those being trained each week, that's fine but it then means I end up playing a lot of players out of position and wonder if this affects the overall performance of my team?

I have reasonably young players across the board but is it better to sacrifice all their training to ensure I get two top knotch players.

I am just about to set my line up for tomorrows match so any pointers would really be appreciated.

thanks in advance.

From: Batman

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118041.2 in reply to 118041.1
Date: 11/6/2009 5:48:54 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I think you have too many young players. Why not sell some of them and replace them with vets, then concentrate on your best trainees? That's what I would do, anyways. Just my opinion.

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118041.3 in reply to 118041.1
Date: 11/6/2009 5:59:24 PM
Aussie Pride
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It doesn't matter what the player is listed as thats just a suggested position. Different skills are obviously better for different positions in your case your SF will likely have lower passing and handling skills then a normal PG. Depends what the rest of your team is like and whether u can still win having a weaker player playing PG. You could pick and choose when u do 1 position training at PG. For example this week u play the bottom team, play one of your SF at PG for the full game, then play the other 1 at PG full a full game in your scrimmage. If your playing 2 better teams in a particular week u might be better doing another type of training.