I have made an analysis which is intended to either prove or disprove a hypothesis that there is a mistake in the Game Engine when a match is played on Neutral Site.
The actual hypothesis states that there is also HCA present in the mtach, even when it is played on Neutral Site.
In the analysis I have checked results of 200 matches played on Neutral Site and 137 matches played normally, with HCA present.
These are the results (normal matches are marked as HCA, matches played on Neutral site are marked as NEUTRAL):
HCA - home win - 58,4%
NEUTRAL - "home" win - 57%
Same effort
HCA - home win - 62,8%
NEUTRAL - "home" win - 56,4%
Differnce 10 points or less
HCA - home win - 64%
NEUTRAL - "home" win - 62%
Same effort + difference 10 points or less
HCA - home win - 54,5%
NEUTRAL - "home" win - 75%
I don't want to blame BBs straightforwards for having a mistake in the GE, but according to this facts it is not as it should be.
There are a few ways to explain this:
1) There is a mistake in the GE when a match is played on Neutral Site and therefore HCA counts as well.
2) The HCA is too small to have an impact in the game.
3) The sample of the matches in the analysis is wrong and does not reflect the truth.
One way or another, I would like to please BBs to have a look at these stats, to have a look at their stats, if they have any, and eventually to have a look at and double-check the code to be sure that what is meant to be there, IS there.
EDIT: P.S. to MODs/GMs - I did not deliberately post it in the Bugs forum.
Last edited by PunkFloid at 11/11/2009 3:27:28 PM