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query on DMI????

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From: Lambaw
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Date: 11/13/2009 3:32:14 PM
Team Fusio
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Hi everyone - I have been trying to get my players the right amount of court time each week and have managed to get their GS to a reasonable level but how do I get their DMI to increase?? I have a high of about 44000 but I went on the Under 21 National team and their are players who are 19/20 with DMI's of over 100000. are there any tips on how to raise DMI or is it just consistency in game time each week and increases in skill level?

sorry for long post but have 2 decent SF who I want to train to the best I can :-)

thanks in advance

From: Opie

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118689.2 in reply to 118689.1
Date: 11/13/2009 5:13:53 PM
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If the players' GS is maxed out at Proficient, the only way to raise their DMI is by training their skills. I wouldn't worry too much about DMI, however.