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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Ghost player bug and more.

Ghost player bug and more. (thread closed)

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From: Jay240
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Date: 11/14/2009 9:59:59 PM
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Ok here is the last minute of play of my latest match.


A few interesting things.

The first one, 3 of my players get called for fouls within 4 seconds. Now this might not be a bug really, I guess it's possible. But maybe this can be looked at because it's a bit unfair and unlikely to happen.

Second, my SG Stephen Brunet gets involved and gets an assist. It's credited in the in-game box score but not in the final box-score. He actually didn't enter the game but made the assist from the bench apparently.

Also my PF, Garud Nagappan fouls out which is fine, it happens. Now here's what may or may not be a bug. One of my PG's (Filippe Abramo) is subbed in. Shouldn't another PF be subbed in or maybe even a C?