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Best position switch

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Date: 11/21/2009 12:42:00 AM
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I have a player who I have had since midway last season and he has been a SG. After reviewing this weeks training results today, his best position has changed to SF. Has this commonly happened or is it just a bug? I do not really understand why it happened so I would appreciate any explanation for this.

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119348.2 in reply to 119348.1
Date: 11/21/2009 1:02:07 AM
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It is not a bug. The listed position on the roster can change however it is only a rough guide. The reason why your player change positions is because his skills have improved due to training and base on all his skills he has become more like a SF rather than SG. However you shouldn't worry too much on listed positions as players can play in any position and you should select your squad positions base on player skills, game shape, tactics, opposition players and opposition tactics etc.

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119348.3 in reply to 119348.2
Date: 11/21/2009 3:27:15 AM
Aussie Pride
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Good answer

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119348.4 in reply to 119348.1
Date: 11/21/2009 8:43:36 AM
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To be more specific with Gura Gura Man's (correct) answer, this is how it works.

The game uses 5 different formulas to evaluate a player's salary based on his skills, one for each role. Each formula weights the skills differently, so for example a player with very high Passing and Handling skills will have a high PG salary, but a low C or PF salary if his inside skills are not at the same level.

After calculating the 5 different salaries, the game picks the highest one, and that becomes the real player's salary, while the specific formula that generated it determines his natural role. The salaries are re-evaluated weekly, even if the "official" salary is only updated in the offseason, so that's why you may see a role update at any time.

So, really, the role you see in a player's profile is just an indication, or, if you want, a side-effect of the salary calculation system. Besides, the formulas used by the game are somewhat questionable... for example, Inside Shot has a very very low (close to 0) weight for SFs, which doesn't really make much sense, even more so if you play an inside oriented offense. Of course this is a circumstance that you may also exploit, or at least take into account when you decide what or who to train. In the previous example, training Inside Shot for a SF will improve his performance without a huge hit on his salary.

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119348.5 in reply to 119348.4
Date: 11/21/2009 9:38:19 AM
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Ok, thank you very much everyone. It all makes sense now, it was just very odd in my opinion because I have never seen that in bb before.I have another question though, if I am searching for a new player in the transfer list then is it better to not search with one of the best positions selected? In other words,should I not worry about what a players best position is when I am purchasing him as it can just change?

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119348.6 in reply to 119348.5
Date: 11/21/2009 10:44:39 AM
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when i buy a player i don't care much for the supposed position, just look at the attributes
playing him "out" of posision have no effect on performence, actualy, if the position changes fits the tactics, he may even perform better

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119348.7 in reply to 119348.5
Date: 11/21/2009 11:02:10 AM
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I use it sometimes, but i also check connected positions too. So when i look for a Powerforward, i put in maybe OD minimum "average" + Jumpshot "strong" + Passing "medium"+ 60.000$ and look for PF and Center who will this criteria. So i can look for a Powerforward/center with good secondaries without finding all guards.

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119348.9 in reply to 119348.8
Date: 11/21/2009 5:15:35 PM
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Ok that makes sense, thank you very much everyone for your answers, they are very helpful:)