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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Sub on missed free throw

Sub on missed free throw

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Date: 11/21/2009 5:18:55 AM
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Game is still going so i don't have the id at the moment but my game against the Wombats, one of my players Victor Felborg had an "and 1" play. He was subbed off ......then missed the free throw.

This happened at about the 4:10 mark of the 3rd quarter.

From: Unkel

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119356.2 in reply to 119356.1
Date: 11/21/2009 6:52:16 AM
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This happened at about the 4:10 mark of the 3rd quarter.
Yes, I can see it here: They have 58 points before and 58 points after. And these kinds of fouls always give at least one FT, don't they?

Ops! - then Victor Feldborg is replaced, and obvious misses the FT, and so the match goes forward ...

Last edited by Unkel at 11/21/2009 6:57:53 AM

From: DireWolf

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119356.3 in reply to 119356.2
Date: 11/21/2009 7:05:38 AM
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Yeah, that link is at the right spot. Thanks for that.

Felborg makes the 2 and gets fouled. Then gets subbed off .....but misses the free throw.

Maybe that's why he missed the free throw? Kinda hard to make a free throw from the bench :P