I was trying to back my idea that, on average, low potential players are much more common than high ones.
To do this, I've calculated the average potential balls of the players I've scouted twice this year, and I've found an interesting fact.
The average is 2.28. By the way, that's significantly lower than 3, so my idea seems to be confirmed. More interestingly however, after checking I've found out that the average was exactly 2.28 last season as well!
If this was confirmed, it would mean that the way the server chooses who to scout twice is not totally random. There seems to be some sort of balancing mechanism.
Either that, or I have to fire my scouts immediately. :)
But really, it may just be a random, albeit very unlikely, occurence, so it would be very interesting if others could post their average potential balls as well. Of course the more players have been scouted, the more accurate the results are to be considered.