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Playoff and time played

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Date: 1/10/2008 9:38:41 PM
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Sorry to ask again but there is not much about the playoffs in the rules.

How long are the playoffs lasting for the 2 two teams making it to the final?
And more important are all the games played in one week? are the first and second round game in the same week?
That is important to know to prepare the trainings and the rotation in the team for the first playoff game.
If some old players of the game could answer it would be nice!

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12095.2 in reply to 12095.1
Date: 1/11/2008 7:06:28 PM
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Any news on that point?

Playoffs are no coming and the training strategy has to be prepared tomorrow with the first game of the week.

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12095.3 in reply to 12095.2
Date: 1/11/2008 9:14:04 PM
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I think there will still be 1 Scrimmage per week (and with that only 2 Playoffs).

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12095.4 in reply to 12095.3
Date: 1/12/2008 12:37:49 AM
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Each playoff game is played at the regular league game times(Tues and Sat). The only exception is the tie breaker for the finals which, if needed, will happen on Sunday. Teams that are not in the playoffs or when they get eliminated, will have an extra scrimmage that is automatically made(against a league opponent). So that would be 2 games a week for teams not in the playoffs.