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Training Minute Management

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Date: 12/8/2009 11:25:55 AM
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Is 48 min different than 48+min in term of receiving full training for the week ?

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121301.2 in reply to 121301.1
Date: 12/8/2009 11:27:41 AM
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very slightly, but yes.

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121301.3 in reply to 121301.2
Date: 12/8/2009 12:48:23 PM
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Really? I thought that with 48 minutes a player receives full training.
So, it´s better to make him play +48 than 48?

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121301.4 in reply to 121301.3
Date: 12/8/2009 12:59:24 PM
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if you believe the BB or me, i would say the effect is very small for this 1-30s who miss the player. If you believe tJuice the effect is around 25% ;)

If you give him the last seconds, another player will miss lot more seconds.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 12/8/2009 12:59:49 PM

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121301.5 in reply to 121301.4
Date: 12/8/2009 1:07:05 PM
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If you give him the last seconds, another player will miss lot more seconds.

Yeah that`s my real problem

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121301.6 in reply to 121301.4
Date: 12/8/2009 1:16:13 PM
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I always believe in more experienced managers:)
I suppose that you mean when you set a player to play the whole match and he misses some seconds, then he has played 48 minutes. If the player plays the whole match then it appears +48, isn´t it?
Because if it isn´t in this way i´ve a big problem.

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121301.7 in reply to 121301.6
Date: 12/8/2009 1:38:42 PM
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I suppose that you mean when you set a player to play the whole match and he misses some seconds, then he has played 48 minutes. If the player plays the whole match then it appears +48, isn´t it?

That's it. The training display on "manage my team" rounds up. So if your guy played 47 minutes and 31 seconds, he will show as 48 minutes. If he played exactly 48 minutes, he will show as 48+.

Run of the Mill Canadian Manager
This Post:
121301.8 in reply to 121301.6
Date: 12/8/2009 1:41:16 PM
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I always believe in more experienced managers:)
I suppose that you mean when you set a player to play the whole match and he misses some seconds, then he has played 48 minutes. If the player plays the whole match then it appears +48, isn´t it?
Because if it isn´t in this way i´ve a big problem.

won't help you in that case, because Juice and me are both experienced ;)

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121301.9 in reply to 121301.4
Date: 12/8/2009 2:18:32 PM
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But if my player plays a complete match (48 min) and does not get 6 PF's or changed he get the best training or does he recieve a -25% penalty?

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121301.10 in reply to 121301.9
Date: 12/8/2009 2:20:42 PM
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then he plays 48+ minutes, and even when he miss 10s don't expect the downside to be big thats max. 1 %. I trained in the past often palyer with 45 minutes, and even there i didn't see the 25% decrease.

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121301.11 in reply to 121301.8
Date: 12/8/2009 2:21:51 PM
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Thanks you both, i knew that if any player misses some seconds he don´t receive full training even if he was going to receive a percentage from 75% to 99%(as CrazyEye said), but i was afraid of players who play the whole match and in spite of this, they´d need to play 1 more minute.