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When I fire player/staff?

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Date: 1/12/2010 4:40:43 PM
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do I still pay players salaries or staff salaries when I fire them? I don't know exactually. I am a begginner at Buzzer Beater right now so. Oh yea and, are they ever going to make it possible to hire a coach? thanks

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127663.2 in reply to 127663.1
Date: 1/12/2010 5:18:06 PM
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You no longer have to pay player salaries for the player when you sack him

You have to pay a trainer a severance fee equal to a week of wages when you sack a trainer

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127663.3 in reply to 127663.2
Date: 1/13/2010 4:57:59 PM
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thank you