Just wondering how much you would recommend for me to spend on scouting? I am currently 5th in my league (only due to points). During my last game I had all my 10 players 21 and under (in age) and so their skills weren't great. But In the last few days I have sold all but 6 of my best trainees (because I figure I can train 6 effectively using 2 position training). And with the money I got I bought 4 27+ years guys with decent skills. Am I going about this the right way? Is 6 too many to train?
At the moment I've been spending 0 on scouting. I've put a few hundred thousand into my arena though. I've heard that if you do well in the league then you don't get a good draft. So now that I have better guys (experienced older players v young trainees) and hence a better team, should I continue to spend 0 on scouting and try and come 1st in my league?
Also, in regards to training, at the moment I'm training my first 6 guys (If you have a look at the roster you can see all their stats). I've just been randomly picking Jump Shot or One on One or something to pick so far and just been rotating it. Is this the best way to do it?
Is there anything I should be spending money on that I may not be doing at the moment? Or should I just save all my money for the rest of the season to buy a great player for like 2 million?
I've only been playing for 3 weeks now but loving the game, and any help would be much appreciated!