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Position and height for game performance?

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From: GWgw
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Date: 1/14/2010 3:55:12 PM
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A couple of questions from a new player:

1. From browsing the forums I am under the impression that player height does not impact game performance (only traininig). So a player that is 6'3 with the same ID/IS/RB/SB as a player that is 7'1 will perform that same at C in a game (assuming all secondary skills are the same as well). Is this correct?

2. Each player has a "suggested" position in their profile, but does it affect their game performance at all if you play them at an alternate position. For example, again using the 6'3 and 7'1 players with identical stats. If the 6'3 player has a suggested position of SG and the 7'1 a suggested position of C, would this make any difference in game performance if they both played at C?

Thanks in advance for any help!

From: IronDoofus

To: GWgw
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127886.2 in reply to 127886.1
Date: 1/14/2010 4:04:53 PM
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1. That's correct.

2. Suggested positions are only suggestions and have absolutely no impact on gameplay. They can be changed with training and reflect (I believe) a combination of skill and salary considerations.

Last edited by IronDoofus at 1/14/2010 4:05:10 PM

From: Vikman

To: GWgw
This Post:
127886.3 in reply to 127886.1
Date: 1/14/2010 4:07:05 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. Yes this is correct.

2. No it would not. The suggested positons has no bearing on game performance. Also, the suggested positions are taken strictly from the stats. So two players with identical stats(as you mentioned), would both have the same suggested positions.