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Best training for this player?

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From: GWgw
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Date: 1/14/2010 4:22:32 PM
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I have a player that I am not sure the best way to train.

This player I bought intending to make him a PG but his atrocious OD is now giving me second thoughts (I am currently training this up). My player formulas say as he is now he is pretty equal at all position but because of his height (6'0) I think he is better suited for the perimeter:

Height: 6'0 (183 cm)
Age: 19
Potential: Superstar

JS: 6 JR: 7
OD: 1 HN: 6
DV: 5 PS: 7
IS: 5 ID: 1
RB: 7 SB: 6

I am hoping that his OD will train up quickly (single position training with lvl 4 trainer, 48+) so in 4-5 weeks it will be up to inept. Then I can start cycling through the primaries (PS/HN/JS/OD).

Is it true that very bad skill levels (atrocious-awful) will pop faster than decent skill levels (mediocre-respectable)?

Last edited by GWgw at 1/14/2010 4:24:21 PM

From: IronDoofus

To: GWgw
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127892.2 in reply to 127892.1
Date: 1/14/2010 4:27:24 PM
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This is probably not the answer you're looking for, but I wouldn't waste my time training a 19 y.o. guy with no ID or OD. If you're able to devote single position training to one player, I would pick a player with better starting skills.

From: GWgw

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127892.4 in reply to 127892.3
Date: 1/14/2010 5:09:57 PM
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Yes, as I read more I somewhat regretted buying this guy with such poor defence (a primary skill). He was one of my first purchases and I think I put too much weight in his potential/age/shooting. I got a little crazy with the transfer list before I really knew how to properly build/train a team :p

I think I will keep him as a back-up PG, maybe switch to 2 position OD and see if I can make my money back on the TL in a couple of weeks. Still learning as I go.