I just randomly stumbled on this thread and wanted to chime in...
I have a fairly large collection of sports simulations. Among them are:
Out of the Park Baseball
(http://www.ootpdevelopments.com/joomla/home-ootp.html)Front Office Football (NFL and college versions)
(http://solecismic.com/index.php)Draft Day Pro Basketball, College Basketball, Total Pro Golf
(http://www.wolverinestudios.com/games.html)Football Manager 2010 (soccer)
(http://www.sigames.com/static/index.php)I don't know how familiar you are with any of these. If you want one game out of the group, Out of the Park is probably the best. Football Manager's very well-done - your mileage may vary depending on your opinion of soccer. It has the option of a 3D display for match play, which is
very impressive, but you'll need a pretty good machine to handle it. Wolverine Studios does very good work. Their games look good, play well, and are well-supported. Any issues I have with their games are just nitpicky. The Front Office NFL game is very well done. Unfortunately, the college game, while good, could have been better, and support appears to be sporadic.
Of course, they all cost. If you can only choose one, I'd say to start on either Out of the Park, or one of the Wolverine basketball offerings. Out of the Park 8 (which is two or three years old now) is free, and Wolverine has previous versions of their basketball games for $10 or $15.
Incidentally, Baseball Mogul was the gateway drug that led me to Out of the Park (a vastly superior game).
Last edited by 94by50 at 2/7/2010 12:00:16 AM