My friend who introduced me to the game told me that it was possible to train 6 players a week, each 48 minutes a week. He has been doing this succesfully for many seasons now and never experienced a problem.
The last 2 games, I have experienced problems (both blow out games and the coach took off my trainees) and was hoping people could help me. Because or something changed to the GE or I am doing something wrong. And off course if I am doing something wrong, I would like to know what, so I can make the necessary changes and get back on track with my training...
I used the following tactics and selected the following players in my game on the 12th.
PG Pehlke
SG Veneau
SF Knirks
PF Martin
C Travers
PG Barnett
SG Payne
SF Balshaw
I picked no substitues at all and no backups for C and PF. The positions for which I wanted to get 48 min training.
My friend has been doing this as i said for many seasons and as long as there were no players injured or any players in foul trouble, he would always get 48 min as long as he picked "strictly follow depth chart" and "let them play" It always worked for him in blow out games too.
For my game I picked that strategy too. But the coach substituted my C in the 4th quarter, off course messing up my minutes. The funny thing was that he did this only to the C and not the PF.
Same thing happened in my game on the 14th too. Again a blow out, same settings used and no foul trouble or injuries.
PG Pehlke
SG Barnett
SF Martin
PF Myers
C Aindow
PG Venau
SG Payne
SF Travers
I picked no substitues at all and no backups for C and PF. Again my C got substituted and not the PF.
Could anyone pls tell me if this method doesnt work the same for Forwards as it does for Guards?? Or what I am doing wrong? I really would like to train 6 players a week...