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BB Canada > Scouting


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From: 7out7
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Date: 1/17/2008 1:42:27 AM
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There are forums in global about people getting there scouting results, but I still havn't got mine. Can anyone in Canada see their scouting results?

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12964.2 in reply to 12964.1
Date: 1/17/2008 2:49:06 AM
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I assume they'll tweak the link under Players at some point, but you can use (/BBWeb/draft.aspx) to get there. It's linked in the Draft section of the rules, too.

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12964.3 in reply to 12964.2
Date: 1/17/2008 3:30:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks a lot. Is the link in the rules section unique to each team? It seems weird I can access my draft page from the rules section, but I'm far from computer literate.

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12964.4 in reply to 12964.3
Date: 1/17/2008 4:11:51 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks a lot. Is the link in the rules section unique to each team? It seems weird I can access my draft page from the rules section, but I'm far from computer literate.

When you log in, some "cookies" are set in your browser. These cookies are then passed along to the BB servers whenever you browse to a BB page. So when you go the draft page, the server uses the info in the cookies your browser sends to identify you and so present your draft information.