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Suggestions > Small suggestions

Small suggestions

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Date: 3/15/2010 1:19:28 PM
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1. When you click on a teams overview page (with their banner etc) I would like to be able to see the last time they signed in.

2. Show the number of posts you have made.

3. Be able to view a list of my own posts.

4. When you click "Submit Draft" I would like some writing that says something like "Draft has been submitted."

5. Have an up arrow or down arrow for country and world ranking (where it would be updated weekly). eg. Up arrow - 18
This would mean you went up 18 places that week in the country or world depending on where the arrow was.

6. Be able to set players on the transfer list with a "delay". For example I would like to sell my player in 3 hours (hypothetically, because it is busier then and more users = more money) so I could set to sell my player now, but have it actually list in 3 hours. During this 3 hours you could change the price, cancel the player to be sold etc. But it would have to be that you can only list a maximum of 6 or 12 hours ahead.

7. In the match viewer, show a dot (or some indication) of where each event occured. At the moment it shows x and o for shots made and missed. But I'd like an option to just see 2 symbols (eg. x). That x would indicate where the latest event took place and another x would indicate where the previous x took place. Events would include steals, rebounds, shots taken, fouls made etc. This would allow me to track where the ball is on the court and I think this would make it seem more real.


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134856.3 in reply to 134856.2
Date: 3/15/2010 1:40:17 PM
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1. I realise you can, but it would make things easier if you could just see their last sign in date on their page. It tells you if they are online now, so if they aren't online now, show the date there.

2. Its trivial, but most forums I know have them, just thought it'd be cool.

3. Same as 2.

4. I know it refreshes the page, but a lot of people might not recognise that as having been submitted. It would just make things more user friendly. Also having a note on there that says that the draft may be submitted multiple times would be good.

5. I like checking my ranking every couple of days to see whether I have improved or not, I don't know about you but I love seeing that my team has gone up 20 spots in my country etc. It's just at the moment I have to remember my previous ranking to know how many I went up. An arrow would make this easier.

6. There would be many users in many countries that aren't able to sell their players at the busiest times as they are at work, or are asleep. This would allow users in countries where the busiest time is while they are asleep, to list players earlier (while they are still awake) and still have the benefits of listing a player at a busy time.

7. I don't mean add these symbols to the match viewer in addition to the current ones. On the match viewer there is a 1st quarter tab, 2nd quarter etc that filters the symbols to specific quarters. There could be another tab that is Ball track. And this will just show the court, with and x for where the ball was at the previous event, and another x (perhaps flashing) that shows the current event. This allows you to imagine what is happening and where players are etc.

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134856.4 in reply to 134856.3
Date: 3/15/2010 2:14:13 PM
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i dont know about these suggestions, buddy. all not very important (except the last one)...

the last is no small suggestions, its a match viewer revolution ;)
i like that idea. if you had two windows in match viewer, one with le latest 2 or 3 happenings and the one with attempted and made shots wolud be very good.

*no bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings* - william blake
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134856.5 in reply to 134856.4
Date: 3/15/2010 2:23:13 PM
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Yeah they aren't major suggestions :P I just thought that they are suggestions that can be easily implemented (probably) and make the game a little nicer. And then I thought of the last one lol.
I think it would take a lot of coding to do it, but I would love to be able to see the stats of all players (Assists, FT etc) and on this screen still show which players are on the court as well as being able to track the ball. The current system shows where you shoot from, which is all well and good, but it gives you no feel for what is actually happening. Almost every line in the match viewer is an event of some sort, but it would be awesome to be able to follow where it is happening. For example:

Consider the above was the basketball court

1. Player 1 on Team 1 goes for a shot near the key.
2. Shot missed, Player 1 on Team 2 gets the rebound.
3. Player 1 on Team 2 gets a great pass off to Player 2 on Team 2.
4. Player 2 on Team 1 steals the ball from Player 2 on Team 2.
5. Player 2 on Team 1 gets off a great pass to Player 3 on Team 1.
6. Player 3 on Team 1goes up for a 3 pointer as Player 3 on Team 2 backs off a bit. Score!

The dots were just used to help align the court :)

Last edited by Naker Virus at 3/15/2010 2:27:22 PM

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134856.6 in reply to 134856.5
Date: 3/15/2010 2:34:41 PM
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sounds great. but i have no idea how to implement smth like that

*no bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings* - william blake
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134856.9 in reply to 134856.7
Date: 3/15/2010 2:57:01 PM
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Well I'd be happy with just being able to see where the ball is :)

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134856.10 in reply to 134856.7
Date: 3/15/2010 3:04:48 PM
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y shpuld trhere be a prob with space n the screen??

*no bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings* - william blake