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Late Game Fouling

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From: dhoff

This Post:
1369.2 in reply to 1369.1
Date: 9/26/2007 3:46:33 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Something with the late game engine needs to be changed...I was down 3-6 points for the last minute or so and my team never put the opposing team on the line. There were a few fouls (but no bonus), but there is no way a professional player won't get a foul called in 2 secs or less if they tried. I watched the opposing team run off the last 25 secs of the clock without ever needing to give up the ball or shoot.

If I were a real NBA GM, my coach would be fired immediately.

I agree completely. (And I'm the team that profited in this instance.)

From: nickfox45

This Post:
1369.5 in reply to 1369.4
Date: 10/5/2007 2:33:13 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
That is whack!

This Post:
1369.6 in reply to 1369.5
Date: 10/5/2007 4:15:24 PM
1986 Celtics
Overall Posts Rated:
offense/defense subs are someting we have thought about in the past....

right now we are working on making the GE more robust to random errors that have caused large problems on the site this season. basically one reallly rare error was affecting large groups of games... the new engine will work in such a way that one game won't break all the other gaems run in the bunch... anyway... after we get this sorted out, i'll be back to fixing algorithmic type issues... i'll add this to the list.