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make the game more tactical?

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From: johny13
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Date: 9/26/2007 9:37:05 PM
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I think managers should be given more options, and have a greater impact on the game. In fact when a match has started you feel useless (if for instance the opponent's SG scores 50 points there is nothing you can do to try and stop him, you can't put a better defender on him or anything else).

I have some ideas and would like to c what you think

1) Either make stats visible to everyone or create a system of team-scouting (the scouter will give you some info on your opponents strengths, how he plays...). In my view this will make the game much more fun: let's say coach A sees that the best player of the opponent is his SG, he might change his rotation and put a good defender as SG or change his defense tactic to man to man. In return the other coach might expect such move and decide to put this SG in the SF position,. Coach A who sees that the opponent has much better C / PF might decide to change his tactic from "look inside" to run and gun for instance and so on... It will become a very tactical game, everyone trying to guess the other's moves!

2) Put more options in the tactics page. Ex: "if I loose by X points 3 minutes before the end turn my offense into run and gun" or "full court press at the beginning of every quarter" ect...

3) would it be possible to make adjustments during the 15 minute break? (lets say 5 minutes for every manager to modify his team tactics) That would also be awesome (you follow the first half, c what is wrong in your offense and defense and try to correct it). Of course those who are online would have an advantage (but if they make the wrong decisions it would turn against them) but I think this is fair enough..

Wel what do you think?

From: snuzers

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1379.2 in reply to 1379.1
Date: 9/26/2007 10:59:03 PM
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My first gut reaction is that changing the game tactics to benefit only those people who are watching it live won't happen. That isn't quite fair. However, allowing us to set tactic options based on the score or certain in-game scenarios would be nice (although I'm guessing it would a headache to write the code)....

As far as scouting goes. I don't think we should be able to see the skill sets of every player. By looking at boxscores, watching game replays and doing your due diligence, you should be able to determine what tactics to use against an opponent......

I'm not a big proponent of the "make it easier to make it better" philosophy and by allowing everyone to see every players skill set just makes it easier.....

However, as I mentioned, I do like the idea of having "optional tactics", where you could switch from look inside to motion, for example, if the opponent is playing a zone. Having coach skill impact how quick these "adjustments" are made could be another enhancement......although, I understand that the "game engine" is already designed to allow the coach to make those decisions already.....I think.

Just me 83 cents worth

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1379.3 in reply to 1379.1
Date: 9/26/2007 11:15:03 PM
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your first and second advices sounds good but third one is impossible i think. because if third one would be, you have to be online when match is playing...

From: LA-Niko

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1379.4 in reply to 1379.1
Date: 9/27/2007 1:24:40 PM
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Analysing the other team is already being done by the good players?

I know I look at upcoming opponents previous games to see what tactics they played and who was their strongest player.

If they are using a single SG to score all their points and playing outside. Then I used 3-2 zone.

If they always adapt to whoever they are playing then I will try and guess what they will do and counter that guess.

So far I have been very successful in doing so playing against my friends, which pisses them off no end.

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
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1379.5 in reply to 1379.2
Date: 9/27/2007 2:52:04 PM
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fair enough snuzers,but IRL i can go and see (either live or on tape) every player in the world and put together a good idea on how to defend or attack him.

i think that some sort of "scouting" is necessary, especially because the current match reporst are far from reality.

just my 9 cents, of course...