Maybe 15 :P but I still learn, this is my 3rd full season, my biggest mistake that i wasnt consistent with training, I was changing training a lot, sometimes every week - now I focus on two trainings this season - JS&JR and OD
Why is this bad? the player is still getting his training.
I mean if you train OD one week and he gets 0.5 points in OD and the next week you train JS and gets 0.5 points in JS and then you train OD the third week and JS the fourth. Then you have 1.0 points in both JS and OD (0.5+0.5=1 OD & 0.5+0.5=1 JS). its not like just beacause you train OD two weeks in a row 0.5+0.5 becomes 1.5, right? or am i missing something?
Last edited by Fattty at 3/29/2010 7:46:14 PM