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From: SammyO
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Date: 4/9/2010 2:27:15 PM
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How much does it effect the growth and pops of your tranies when you train few or many players in the same week. It is implied that they all get over 48 minutes. But will a player improve less if you are training 5 guys instead of 4. Or 4 instead of 3, Or 3 instead of 2. It there a big difference or is it marginal as far as how quickly these players progress?

From: barba

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139960.2 in reply to 139960.1
Date: 4/9/2010 2:35:28 PM
Palestra Itália
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Second Team:
S.E. Palmeiras
The number of trainees won´t affect the effectiveness of the training.

From: Scipio

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139960.3 in reply to 139960.1
Date: 4/9/2010 2:38:53 PM
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Only the number of positions effects the rate at which your players improve. Training one position is better than training two, two is better than three etc. The number of players you train within those positions has no effect. Training one centre will be the same as training three centres for instance.

From: SelBasin

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139960.4 in reply to 139960.2
Date: 4/9/2010 2:39:53 PM
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only the number of positions effects training speed, so if you are traing PG and Sg and are training 3 people (2pg and 1 sg) it still trains slower than just training 3 pgs or 3 sgs.

Last edited by SelBasin at 4/12/2010 7:39:28 PM

From: SammyO

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139960.5 in reply to 139960.4
Date: 4/11/2010 7:58:20 PM
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Thank you all for replying