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Best defensive match-ups

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From: papag
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Date: 4/10/2010 7:38:40 AM
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Hey guys i'm just curious as to what everyone here thinks are the best offensive match-ups to each defensive tactic.

FCP - ?
M2M - ?
3-2 - Look Inside or low post
2-3 - RnG or motion
1-3-1 - Look Inside and Low post

Like that, does anyone have any suggestions?

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140064.2 in reply to 140064.1
Date: 4/10/2010 7:43:02 AM
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I think Princeton could also be played against a 2-3 zone.

Run and Gun is good against FCP.

Push the Ball is good against Man to Man (or scout your opponent and see whether their inside defence is better or their outside defence is better and then pick something to exploit that).

Besides that I agree with you.

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140064.3 in reply to 140064.2
Date: 4/10/2010 7:44:43 AM
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Ok thanks mate ;)

I was thinking RnG for FCP but what about LI? Do my players keep the ball for too long?

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140064.4 in reply to 140064.3
Date: 4/10/2010 8:05:49 AM
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I think LI would be okay but only if you have good offensive flow. i.e. you need good passers. But I think the ideal tactic is RnG.

From: CrazyEye

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140064.6 in reply to 140064.1
Date: 4/10/2010 4:55:54 PM
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i prefer medium pace against a fcp, and actually think that with a team who is as good in inside and outside game look inside would be the best choiche. But it is like man to man use the tactics where your team is at best, or the opponent struggle with their matchups.