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Depth Chart Until 4th

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Date: 4/12/2010 7:29:11 AM
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I have a question about this coaching tactic that I didn't see answered via search.

Will "Depth Chart Until 4th" use the "Strictly Follow Depth Chart" option or just the "Follow depth chart" for the first three quarters.

I ask because I want to put a player in as a backup and only have him play significant minutes if I'm down in the fourth quarter. If the coach doesn't STRICTLY follow the depth chart I choose then my guy will have too many minutes, hence my question.

Thanks in advance!

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140301.2 in reply to 140301.1
Date: 4/12/2010 9:05:19 AM
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I have the same question. I noticed if I put in players as Reserves in stead of being backups, they get to play anyway, even if you Pick Depth Chart. Maybe Fouls have something to do with this...

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140301.3 in reply to 140301.2
Date: 4/12/2010 5:21:59 PM
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Well, it's my understanding that if you pick "Coach Picks From Depth Chart" the coach will usually take the best player in any of the starter/backup/reserve slots and give him the most time. In "Strictly Follow Depth Chart' The coach will give the lion's share of the minutes to the guy you put as a starter, even if the backup is much better.

I'm interested to know which of those two strategies the coach uses for the first three quarters in "Depth Chart Until 4th"

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140301.4 in reply to 140301.3
Date: 4/14/2010 2:50:07 AM
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From my experience its some strange combination fo the first three quarters - it is not scrictly follw - definitly.

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140301.5 in reply to 140301.4
Date: 4/14/2010 8:23:28 AM
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As someone who played in seasons 3-6 before dropping out in disgust at all the little things that didn't work, the fact the sub patterns are still a mystery is discouraging.

I had hoped to see improvements in most areas, but no. Very little has changed for the better, in particular the sub patterns. There does not seem to have been any change in this at all.

What is so hard about adopting a system similar to many PC basketball games in which each period is divided into four 3-minute segments and the coach puts in a name for each position/time slot for each period? There can be a 'blowout" option for the fourth quarter, too. Injuries and fouls effect this slotting, but it is followed for the most part.

Take a tip from the realm of 10-year-ago PC gaming and adopt this option.

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140301.6 in reply to 140301.5
Date: 4/14/2010 9:07:32 AM
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I like this idea.

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